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Comrade Sniper

Enemy's Body Disappeared After Death?

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I was at the NW Airfield yesterday with 2 friends, and we came across a wrecked helicopter. We began looting it, but soon after we started taking fire from what sounded like an M16. One of my friends logged off immediately (he was disowned by both me and my other friend after the firefight was all over :P), but my other friend and I decided we would find the enemy and kill him. We ran into the trees (the ones still within the fence, by the front gate) and began searching for the threat. My friend spotted him and started firing his AKM toward the enemy, but he was hit and passed out. He wasn't bleeding, so I left him there for the moment. I circled around through the trees, crawling, and managed to spot something moving behind a pine tree. I crawled a bit closer, and confirmed that it was indeed a person. I fired 5 rounds from my M14 AIM at him to ensure that he died and then walked up to his body. Sure enough, he had an M16. I began looting his body, when suddenly it began fading into the ground and disappeared as if I'd clicked "hide body" but I am positive that I did not.

What's the cause of this? Has something similar to this happened to anyone else?

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You clicked "hide body" by accident.

Wrong. I had this happen to me as well and I sure as hell didn't even touch the body.

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I think it's a bug - I've had it happen to me twice recently where I've shot another player, I know they're dead because my murder count goes up. But by the time I get over there (it's normally less than 200 metres as I don't have a sniper rifle) I can hear the flies buzzing but there is no body to be seen. I've not even had the opportunity to accidently click "Hide body". The sound of the flies is definately located where I killed the player, but the body has vanished.

I did read somewhere that disconnecting at the moment of death could cause it (as a "you may have killed me but you won't get my stuff" moment - but I may be confusing that with something else.

So if it's not that, it's a bug, this being Alpha and all ;)

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Stop trolling - I already explained in my post the bodies were gone before I even got to them.

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Player bodies are wiped by the servers every 15 minutes in 1.7.0. This means if you killed them 5 seconds before the 15 minute timer, their body will only be there for 5 seconds.

It is however interesting to note that zombie bodies stay until server restart. I think maybe Rocket wanted it the other way around it was just an oversight?

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Probably once happened to me with a player body as well, but that was a bit of an ambiguous case ('cos he was halfway inside a staircase/wall anyway, so I guess it the body could have just bugged otherwise and mysteriously suddenly slid down or something).

But it has certainly happened to me with an animal. While gutting a boar I just shot, it just suddenly started to sink to the ground while I was still gutting it. I never got those tasty beefs. :D

Maybe its just bad luck with the timing. Or just general bugginess.

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