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[AUS] New Chernarus Republic

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Welcome to the New Chernarus Republic, we are here to bring order and prosperity to the citizens of our great nation.


Our priority is to protect those within our society, execute outlaws, bring justice and stability to the great nation of Chernarus. Those whom act outside the wishes of the NCR are considered outlaws and traitors to the nation of Chernarus and will be killed. People seeking protection and shelter or willing to join the NCR Military must sign an application and abide by our laws.


The citizenry of the NCR are to supply all Military personnel with whatever they require and in return the NCR will keep them protected. We are here to work together, survive the horrific times we are upon. The greedy will be labelled as outcasts and outlaws. NCR Military Personnel are to provide security to the citizenship, perform operations such as raiding villages and towns or to protect the President and his most loyal advisor's. All members of the NCR both Military and Citizens are to keep information of the NCR to themselves, nor discuss this information amongst each other unless authorized by a superior. It is the job of the NCR to find worthy recruits and have them join our great nation.


It is the job of the Citizenry to supply food, ammunition, weaponry, military clothes, beverages, medical supplies and so forth to the NCR, without this the Military that defends our great people cannot survive. Citizens can request at the most 1 Military personnel to give them defence whilst scavenging.

It is the job of the Military to eradicate outlaws and threats to our nation. Secure safe zones for the citizens and supply defence to the nation. They are to perform risky operations, including raids, night-time attacks and so forth. The President and his advisor's will deliver mission files and tasks for the Military to perform.

Home Server




(Channel is New Chernarus Republic. I am named [NCR] General Tarasov)


Leaders of the NCR Army


- Ivan Tarasov ((Cataris))




/The NCR Armed Forces\

-4th Infantry Battalion Bravo Company 1st Platoon.-

Major -N/A

Captain -N/A

Alpha Squad

Lieutenant - Viktor

Sergeant - Adam

Corporal - Daniel

Private *Medic* - Hamish

Private - Tom

Private - Alex

Private - Troy

Private - Alexander


Known Outlaws, Bandits & Traitors

-Swarley (Traitor)

-Rakanishu (Bandit)

-OG Clan (Outlaws)

-Batsii (Traitor)

-Bailey (Traitor)

-Shaxta (Traitor)

-SuperSanta (Traitor)

-SwiftWolf (Traitor)

-Craig (Traitor)

-Deliod (AWOL)

Application Format


How did you hear of us?

Why do you wish to join us?

Will you keep a consistent approach to our Real-Life Military Simulator for DayZ?

(Meaning we as a Guild use real life codewords and act as a real militia/military)

Soldier or Citizen?

Do you abide by our laws and will work as a team rather than lone-wolf? Unless authorized.

Do you swear undying loyalty to the NCR, your fellow comrades and your President?



-If Accepted you will be spoken to on Skype and will be given directions from there on how to become a full fledged member of the NCR. We wish you the best of luck in your application and hope to see you soon-

Edited by Cataris
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I would join but apparently I am the leader of Bob & Pals. If you guys want a teamspeak server host can provide.

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That would be wonderful, I was just in the shower thinking about Teamspeak. Could we perhaps talk further about this on skype?

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I'm having some difficulty with my game so I may not be able to get on today, but I'll still be on TS and Skype.

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Home-server changed to AU23

Captains now lead a Platoon, Lt's lead Squadrons.

Swarley has been demoted from Captain to Lt. of the 1st Recon.

Swift has been promoted to Sergeant of the 1st Recon.

Cameron has been promoted to Corporal of the 1st Recon.

Will is now a Private Ranger of the 1st Recon.

Edited by Cataris
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How did you hear of us?

My bestest friend Cataris Coin Doin that is who.

Why do you wish to join us?

No other alternative.

Will you keep a consistent approach to our Real-Life Military Simulator for DayZ?

(Meaning we as a Guild use real life codewords and act as a real militia/military)

Oh certainly, I am all about it captain.

Ranger, Soldier or Citizen?

Oooo tough choices. Well considering I am an utter and complete newb at Day Z, as in I have never even played it yet, I will start as a citizen.

Do you abide by our laws and will work as a team rather than lone-wolf? Unless authorized.

I don't even think I could survive on my own.

Do you swear undying loyalty to the NCR, your fellow comrades and your President?

If it means I live longer, then for heck ya man.




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Cancel this App can't join server since my ping is to high. Sounds like a amazing idea though

Edited by Zephir

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Name: XterierK

How did you hear of us? Forum post

Why do you wish to join us? Looking for a clan to join to help protect and serve. Also running around alone gets rather...lonely. ;P

Will you keep a consistent approach to our Real-Life Military Simulator for DayZ? Yes Sir!

Ranger, Soldier or Citizen? Citizen for starters.

Do you abide by our laws and will work as a team rather than lone-wolf? Unless authorized. Yes Sir.

Do you swear undying loyalty to the NCR, your fellow comrades and your President? Yes Sir.

Skype: XterierK

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How did you hear of us?

Just coasting through the Forums looking for a awesome group to join and i found one.

Why do you wish to join us?

Because this sounds awesome and i would like to contribute my skills for this group and provide the best gaming experience for others as well as my self.

Will you keep a consistent approach to our Real-Life Military Simulator for DayZ?

Hell yes!

(Meaning we as a Guild use real life codewords and act as a real militia/military)

Ranger, Soldier or Citizen?

Well for one what are the roles of these three classes, if its what my preferences are they would be either a Ranger or a Soldier as i think i would do exceptional in those areas.

Do you abide by our laws and will work as a team rather than lone-wolf? Unless authorized.

Yes sir. I will work in a team and help them out whenever they might need of it. Unless authorized? i would be my own Alpha by my self out on the field.

Do you swear undying loyalty to the NCR, your fellow comrades and your President?

I swear.



i hope i this will be sufficient information.

Edited by shaxta
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How did you hear of us?

Forum post

Why do you wish to join us?

i am sick of playing by myself and want to serve justice

Will you keep a consistent approach to our Real-Life Military Simulator for DayZ?

(Meaning we as a Guild use real life codewords and act as a real militia/military)

No problem

Ranger, Soldier or Citizen?


Do you abide by our laws and will work as a team rather than lone-wolf? Unless authorized.

Yes for sure

Do you swear undying loyalty to the NCR, your fellow comrades and your President?

I swear





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Anyone attempting to join the Rangers, I will be testing all of your aims, decision times, and other assorted tests to prove whether you are worthy to join us and if I designate you to Spotter or Sniper.

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Name: Galahad

How did you hear of us? Google

Why do you wish to join us?

I am looking for a strong clan/team based experience for DayZ and am hoping to find other guys out their who enjoy this style of gaming.

Will you keep a consistent approach to our Real-Life Military Simulator for DayZ?

I am looking for people who can play in a similar way to that which is required for games like Project Reality. This is the way i prefer to play online games so yes i would take this seriously.

Ranger, Soldier or Citizen?

I would be a valuable member of any ranger/recon squad. I would jump at the chance to be a part of any special operations.

Do you swear undying loyalty to the NCR, your fellow comrades and your President?

I will swear to fight for the safety of the NCR's citizens and the laws for which the NCR stand for :)

Skype: michaelcp56

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War erupts! NCR vs OG.

We have gathered 6 vehicles.

1 bus

2 GAZ's (Black Limo is Generals)

2 Camo UAZ's

1 Green Hatchback


FN Fal


2 MP5S


1 Rocket Launcher

1 M24

3 AKM's


Recent Update

General Ivan Tarasov and a Private were ambushed, they lost 1 UAZ and 1 GAZ Black Limo. Including fn-fal, 2 M4a's, 1 MP5, 1 MP5S, M24, 1AKM.

Taken 30 minutes before the ambush. At the most 2km away from the ambush zone.


Edited by Cataris
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How did you hear of us?

Through the Dayz Forum. Cataris linked me to the forum after asking for a clan to run with.

Why do you wish to join us?

After working on a military base for years I have come to want to be part of something I could never be in. And NCR provides that.

Will you keep a consistent approach to our Real-Life Military Simulator for DayZ?


Ranger, Soldier or Citizen?

Ranger unless the need arises then pure foot soldier.

Do you abide to our laws and will work as a team rather than a lone-wolf? Unless Authorized.


Do you swear undying loyalty to the NCR, your fellow comrades and your president?




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Name: Alex.

How did you hear of us? This forums post.

Why do you wish to join us? This is something i've always wanted to do in DayZ. I am sick of just being a lone wolf, running around shooting people etc and I want to try something different.

Will you keep a consistent approach to our Real-Life Military Simulator for DayZ?

(Meaning we as a Guild use real life codewords and act as a real militia/military)


Ranger, Soldier or Citizen? Ranger if possible, if not ill happily be a soldier.

Do you abide by our laws and will work as a team rather than lone-wolf? Unless authorized. Yes.

Do you swear undying loyalty to the NCR, your fellow comrades and your President? Sir yes Sir!

Skype: your.a.pirate.


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Name: Adam

How did you hear of us:


Why do you wish to join:

Looking for a fun yet still serious and mature clan

Will you keep a consistent approach to the real-life simulator style:

Yes sir, I have been playing in this style for quite some time and always enjoy the seriousness and orderly style.

Ranger, Soldier or Citizen:

I always enjoy both assaults and recon operations in the field. Ranger or Soldier what ever is low on recruits. Please note that I am inexperienced when it comes to sniping but have been experienced in spotting and recon.

Do you swear undying loyalty to the NCR, your fellow comrades and president:

I do, I will stay and fight for NCR and what it stands for!

Skype: Adam.Roberts1231

Edited by adamius

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