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Spawn start suggestion

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It takes freaking forever to spawn. Once you are killed you start the process all over again.

I suggest a 5-10 second spawn immortal protection.

Reason: I made it to an area and was prepping with a lot of found gear. The servers disconnect and I try a different server to log into.

When I finally spawn I am 5 feet in the air and fall, breaking my leg, going unconscious for a long time, and finally die from bleeding out.

How I got so high in the air? I don't know, I was on the ground when I logged off, on a flat surface among some dirt.

Now I have to spawn all over again. It takes too long to do this over again when you get no play time.

I think protecting the player from stupid shit like that would be good for gameplay.

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There should be 10 second immortal protection and 10-30 minute PvP protection.

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