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Last Man Alive

Question and Some Assistance Needed with Install(missing files)

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Ok, so I watched the video and read the guide 3 times on how to install. All went well until launch

Addon "Dayz_amin" requires "CA_Dubbing_Counterattack"

I downloaded the mod via Torrents, from the link provided on the main page. Any ideas how to fix?

I tried using the Day Z Commander and got an error saying Arma II is not installed


Google has failed me here trying to find an answer and youtube is littered with loads of videos, and based on comments on many, unsure which one is correct

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Have you run ARMA II and ARMA II:OA once each before you tried to install?

If not - do that and try DayZ Commander again.

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Have you run ARMA II and ARMA II:OA once each before you tried to install?

If not - do that and try DayZ Commander again.

Yes. I ran each one once.

Then closed Steam, then Opened as Admin.

I received the first error doing it manually making the folders @DayzZ and Addons. So I removed the folders and tried DayZ Commander(as pictured above). I uninstalled both games and restarted the pc. I am currently downloading the games from steam again, but this time will try to run it via Day Z Commander.

Question. When running Day Z Commander, do I leave Steam open, or close it? Thanks for helping me

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I usually leave Steam open and have never had any problems, obviously make sure ARMA isn't running though. And again, make sure you run both games once before you install DayZ, that's important. Good luck.

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I usually leave Steam open and have never had any problems, obviously make sure ARMA isn't running though. And again, make sure you run both games once before you install DayZ, that's important. Good luck.

Thanks, waiting for the first one to finish, should I allow both to finish downloading? I am downloading 1 at a time. Was gonna download both 100% then open 1 at a time

Still not 100% sure about Day Z Commander. I know how to make folders in the appropriate folders.

Can you tell me if this tutorial is proper?

Thanks again

Been reading on steam others have experienced issues with Day Z Commander while others have not. But I prefer manual, as it appears easy enough,

and I read somewhere that Arma2 OA patch was needed, then read elsewhere it was not :unsure:

Edited by Last Man Alive

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I actually use Commander with steam closed and logged in on another computer, but my install was a bit odd, using the six updater download and then later switching to DayZ Commander. I know when I got it to work on my brother's computer though, steam needed to be open, or at least logged in and active.

I'll hit a few points just to cover some bases

-Make sure you run bother Arma II and and Arma II OA to at least the title screen. You may have to do this by running steam as admin.

-To double check the game installed correctly, right click on the game in your library, go to properties->local files and select 'verify integrity of game cache'. Do this for both.

-In commander, go to settings and check both 'launch using steam' and 'replace origianl Arma2OA with Beta so Steam works'

-Also under commander setting, verify the directories are correct. It typically has them correct, but if you can run the games in steam, you may have to override the path for it to recognize the game is installed.

Aside from that, I don't know what to tell you.

Edited by HerrJon
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Arma 2, 1 file needs to be acquired but does not say which file

so very lost :o


Edited by Last Man Alive

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I seem to have it up without any errors. cheers! Now to attempt to connect, but before I do, free beans for all who helped me :thumbsup: :beans:

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