[email protected] 52 Posted September 29, 2012 Surely i can't be the only one who thinks this. I rarely see another survivor i haven't arranged to meet. Last time i saw who i was killed by was in cherno because i'm i dumbass. I wont say it isn't realistic for someone to wait to earhole someone in this situation. People do it all the time and they aren't trying to survive a zombie outbreak. I'm just saying it isn't fun. The dayz i want to play is the dayz where i can shoot back. I want to see the person shooting at me. I want to have a battle. I know they said they would make sniping harder. Snipers rarer. And if they can I am all for it. But I figure someone at some point will find another way to dupe. Then we're at the same place. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
#Sleepy 572 Posted September 29, 2012 No, but being a Marksman myself and loving the idea of long ranged rifles. I believe they should be more Civilian based Rifles like the CZ 550 and M24. AS50s are way over doing it. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lefroy Jenkins 32 Posted September 29, 2012 I like the idea of having sniper rifles. I want to be able to pick of Zeds from a safe distance, rather than always relying on my axe and my feet to clear an area. I've also only ever found one sniper rifle, a CZ, and that was in my very first life. I want another turn. :)Besides that, if it's "bandit" snipers you're worried about, there will be a proportionate number of bandit hunters out there watching the hills and rooftops. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 52 Posted September 29, 2012 No, but being a Marksman myself and loving the idea of long ranged rifles. I believe they should be more Civilian based Rifles like the CZ 550 and M24. AS50s are way over doing it.Yeah the AS50 was a big reason. But the main one is it is just so passive. Why move when you can dome someone from a thousand meters. If they can honestly make sniping a challenge. Then i would get over it. But in the mod at least. There is more snipers than dbags to camp. And if you throw a rock in cherno it will hit someone willing get a campfire going on the hill. I know it sounds like qq but that's only because it is. Like i said though i just want to have a battle. Maybe add a different server option with them disabled. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 139 Posted September 29, 2012 Where the hell are you playing? And snipers are a abig part of the game. I'm not one, but I love the fact that they're there, lurking somewhere. Get used to it. 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 2416 Posted September 29, 2012 (edited) Honestly, I think nothing should be completely thrown out, just made rarer.And sniping should be overhauled to make it realistically difficult. The damage system Rocket was on about could make a 50.cal break your ribs if you don't have a proper rest/bipod set up, or try to fire it as fast as possible while running backwards because I SAW YOU FIRST, and that shotgun would've killed you IRL! >:(EDIT: Sorry, what was the question? Edited September 29, 2012 by Chabowski Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skin69niks 72 Posted September 29, 2012 Yeah the AS50 was a big reason. But the main one is it is just so passive. Why move when you can dome someone from a thousand meters. If they can honestly make sniping a challenge. Then i would get over it. But in the mod at least. There is more snipers than dbags to camp. And if you throw a rock in cherno it will hit someone willing get a campfire going on the hill. I know it sounds like qq but that's only because it is. Like i said though i just want to have a battle. Maybe add a different server option with them disabled.I hunt snipers every night...ranging a target, compensating for distance and elevation is not as easy as CQC I can promise you. There is an art to sniping and even MORESO with counter sniping...man up!!! 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 52 Posted September 29, 2012 I hunt snipers every night...ranging a target, compensating for distance and elevation is not as easy as CQC I can promise you. There is an art to sniping and even MORESO with counter sniping...man up!!! rangefinders and page up/down Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trizzo 632 Posted September 29, 2012 (edited) rangefinders and page up/downNow, now that's unhelpful and untrue."Snipers"? You've misdiagnosed the problem. You can get rid of snipers in a game where there are guns and you make your own rules. You could get rid of 'sniper rifles' the AS50, nobody would miss this. Then maybe, but probally not, the m107. We test this in a patch and my suspicion is that most complaining stops. The next problem is hacked AS-50s. But a wipe as all AS50s would do a tremednous amount of good (if this is possible)As for the fun factor it isnt going to happen because people are having a bad time. Rocket likes a bit of S&M, he never started out with the intention of making this a fun experience. The outdoors, hunting and surivial situtations are more often then not really, really unenjoyable experiences. Edited September 29, 2012 by Trizzo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SkoomaKing 28 Posted September 29, 2012 Why move when you can dome someone from a thousand meters. If they can honestly make sniping a challenge. Then i would get over it.where are you getting this from? this isnt cod, where you just aim and shoot. you have to rangefind your target, aim higher or lower depending where he is,aiming ahead and shooting a moving target. it takes practice to master. if you dont like it, dont play on regular servers where sniping is easier. you honestly just sound like a mad troll who just gets sniped in stary without taking the neccesary precautions. and is fed up. but everyone is titled to their opinions 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
voddler (DayZ) 367 Posted September 29, 2012 The only sniper that should exist in the standalone IMO is the CZ or some hunting rifle, no damn military sniper rifles. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hawc 63 Posted September 29, 2012 where are you getting this from? this isnt cod, where you just aim and shoot. you have to rangefind your target, aim higher or lower depending where he is,aiming ahead and shooting a moving target. it takes practice to master. if you dont like it, dont play on regular servers where sniping is easier. you honestly just sound like a mad troll who just gets sniped in stary without taking the neccesary precautions. and is fed up. but everyone is titled to their opinionsI think he is getting sniped in cherno and stays there for some unknown reason like so many other players. Oh look i've been sniped let's do it again then complain on the forums. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mos1ey 6301 Posted September 29, 2012 If the AS50, M107 and rangefinder were removed, I'd be happy. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sutinen 635 Posted September 29, 2012 No... This would kill the game. Maybe get rid of .50 cals and rangefinders, then it would be fine. I like the CZ. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sheriffhd 61 Posted September 29, 2012 Sorry dude all i hear is a crying baby.if you keep getting killed by snipers then start learning from your mistakes.If you actually scout your path you can normally spot snipers a mile off and flank them or surprise them. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
levithan 1 Posted September 29, 2012 Do away with all NVG's, thermal scopes, ranger finders and any weapon larger then 7.62mm. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mos1ey 6301 Posted September 29, 2012 Yeah, as much as I'd miss mine the game would be better of without the L85 too. xD 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anticitizen37 2 Posted September 29, 2012 (edited) Maybe they should just lower the damage of all the Sniper Rifles in DayZ but still keep a head shot a one shot kill? Just my two cents worth. Edited September 29, 2012 by Anticitizen37 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Riem 164 Posted September 29, 2012 I'd like to see just how many snipers are actually able to hit anything when wind, humidity, temperature and elevation all come into play.I'd also like to be reasonably sure duping is fixed, and hacking won't be rampant.Then we can see how sniping needs to be adjusted, if at all. 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kerwyn 77 Posted September 29, 2012 You know, I came in here expecting another "Here we go again" thread, but actually you are raising a legitimate, if personal, concern. I don't mind the sniper rifles in the game, maybe drop the AS50 because we already have an anti material rifle with the M107 and dropping the AS50 would make the incredibly powerful guns rarer, But I have yet to be killed by any sniper (Though one did break my leg at 1,100m, I wish I'd have had side chat to congratulate him.) I like to think it's just because I'm freaking amazing and can dodge bullets like Neo, but really I think it's just because people are so used to arcade shooters that they just plain suck with marksman weapons in this game. And on that note, I am totally in favour of making sniping even more realistic, because I can't use snipers anyway, so anything that gives me even more of an edge against them gets my beans.What should be removed is the damn L85 Thermal. That gun completely removes the element of stealth from the game because any idiot can now sweep their surroundings in half a second and instantly identify threats over a kilometre away. Perhaps when duping and scripting is fixed with the standalone, the gun will be rare enough to not be a reliable advantage, but right now it seems like every second kill I get / see (I watch a lot of Youtube) the bugger is decked out in full kit with an L85 and an AS50, 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pvtjace 37 Posted September 29, 2012 One shot anywhere landing shots shouldnt kill. Im sorry but foot shotting someone from 600m will not kill them.M24 CZ and SVD are fine. Get rid of all that other crap. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Riem 164 Posted September 29, 2012 One shot anywhere landing shots shouldnt kill. Im sorry but foot shotting someone from 600m will not kill them.M24 CZ and SVD are fine. Get rid of all that other crap.Not true. A .50 caliber round hitting your foot would tear it and likely part of your lower leg off. The shock alone would be enough to put you unconscious until you bled out.These guns are modeled fairly realistically, in terms of damage.But I agree. The anti materiel rifles should be removed, or made so rare, ammunition rarer, that it would be detrimental to have them, when you could have a slightly less effective, but more stocked rifle.And personally I enjoy the challenge of the CZ 550. No dots or chevrons to adjust by if you don't know the range. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GLRUBBERDUCK 19 Posted September 29, 2012 (edited) there should be no anti material rifles as there is no need for such a high powered rifle - there are no armoured vehicles but, other military snipers should be a hell of a lot more rare such as the dmr. The cz should be the most predominant sniper rifle Edited September 30, 2012 by GLRUBBERDUCK Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CombatWombat (DayZ) 63 Posted September 29, 2012 Ok, play on private hives and stop your complaining. No hackers, no duped gear and no hacked in weapons. AS50's are a commodity on the server I play on, as they should be and L85's are even rarer. As we only have 12hr restarts, it's a rush to the crash site to see who gets the loot and with 250 listed players, man that rush is the most fun I've had in ages. Most people are decked out with M107's and rangefinders are somewhat hard to find. Tents are scarcer and people actually worry about their decisions. It all adds up to more intense gameplay and basically how it was before DayZ had its huge hype, which I believe brought the hackers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GoDM1N 0 Posted September 29, 2012 Honestly, I think nothing should be completely thrown out, just made rarer.And sniping should be overhauled to make it realistically difficult. The damage system Rocket was on about could make a 50.cal break your ribs if you don't have a proper rest/bipod set up, or try to fire it as fast as possible while running backwards because I SAW YOU FIRST, and that shotgun would've killed you IRL! >:(EDIT: Sorry, what was the question?I also think this would be a good idea. Sniping should be very hard as it is in RL imo. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites