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Zero tolerance for disconnects - NO EXCEPTIONS

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Care-bear caught red-handed.

Says in the requirements: Balls required.

Sorry brah but I don't think you even know what "care bear" means in a gaming context, carebears can't even exist in dayz, there IS no other content but pvp.

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I am a casual gamer and I have as much “balls” as you do.

I am a casual gamer because I have a REAL LIFE.

You know: a wife' date=' kids. A home to take care of, a lawn to cut and a pool to clean.

I play GAMES in my free time.

Sometimes while I am playing a GAME I have to stop suddenly and without warning because REAL LIFE intervenes.

And why do you care so much if someone logs off while you’re shooting at them? The only reason I ever shoot at someone is if I think they are a danger to me, if they log off well that eliminates the danger just as good as if I shot them.

I think someone is just whining over missing out on a “kill”.



Could not have said it better myself

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Anyone who disagrees with this, whatever their reason, is probably one of those cowards who disconnects the second they're in any danger.

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5 seconds should be fine, what I would me more interested to see however is a fix for the server jumping exploit.

Here is a suggestion:

If someone disconnects from server A, fine, no penalty, they can connect right back in. However if they disconnect and then connect to server B, they should be banned from reconnecting to server A for 10 minutes.

Will fix the problem at a stroke.

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I was on a sever a few days ago where I was attacked and when I returned fire and tossed out frag grenades I watched three players DC. I know I got one of them as my scopion barked 6 to 10 rounds onto ghille clad body.

However the damage was already done, I bled out ( In a pile of brass and grenade spoons) but they lived and got my loot because If I did inflict damage to the bandits the DC stopped their bleeding and after jumping to another server bandaging and upping their health they got to re-log and loot my corpse or beam in at a safer location.

As for the OPs douche-baggish approach of carebears and other slang I have to say that playing as a group and supporting each other is a great way to live. While I will not pretend that I never shot another player I have because there is no mechanic to tell good from bad. While the OP thinks killing everyone is a good policy I have to disagree you might be killing the guy who saves your life down the road.

When you have a player dead to rights I trully believe the DC is nothing more than a denile of you being able to loot thier gear. You may have had the right to kill them and you have a right to loot them but by DC'ing you'll never get their shit and they know that and thats just anthother exploit..

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I am a casual gamer and I have as much “balls” as you do.

I am a casual gamer because I have a REAL LIFE.

You know: a wife' date=' kids. A home to take care of, a lawn to cut and a pool to clean.

I play GAMES in my free time.

Sometimes while I am playing a GAME I have to stop suddenly and without warning because REAL LIFE intervenes.

And why do you care so much if someone logs off while you’re shooting at them? The only reason I ever shoot at someone is if I think they are a danger to me, if they log off well that eliminates the danger just as good as if I shot them.

I think someone is just whining over missing out on a “kill”.



Could not have said it better myself


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Exploiting care-bears in this thread, quit the group hugging and admit you can afford 30 seconds to log out properly.

Shit happens' date=' right?


I get away with that now, but the minute this went commercial or even as a mod beyond alpha - shit happening will be served straight back at me.

Of course it is your choice as to where you want the game to go from here. I imagine there will be a lot of pressure from your employers and perhaps even console gamers (well, they do say the PS4/Xbox may be out next year) to commercialise the game and it would be entirely understandable if you did. Given the huge success of this mod I am sure it will be difficult to maintain the experimental nature you had intended.

Still, as long as exploits like disconnecting exist it really takes away from everything the game has to offer. I have only ever killed 2 players I believe, but have been killed multiple times, and every time I die it is a new beginning. Removal of bandit skins has allowed every player the chance to make each life unique and interesting. In future I hope you will add more and more activities to perform and items to collect, maybe even things to build. But what really needs to go is blatant gamesmanship (disconnect, move to a new location behind target, reconnect) and just sheer bad sport (disconnecting when you've been shot).

Think of the reasons given why people hate my idea here so much - I have a life, kids, a job, I am casual gamer etc. I have all those things except kids because I choose not to have them right now, but if I am playing DayZ and my boss calls, or my girlfriend wants me to come look at some silly video with cats in it, and I gotta quickly hide somewhere and hope I'm not dead when I log back on (come on I'm not saying you can't just quit the program) - then sure I may well die, that's the way it goes in a persistent online game.

What I would like to see in this game is a system similar to Ultima Online (http://www.uoguide.com/Camping), where you had to make a camp or find an inn to log out in. So in DayZ, there could be specific places that are suitable to "camp" in and won't have the 2 minute "pull the chord" persistent after leaving the game penalty. Seriously, we spend hours and hours building our characters, and huge amounts of time crawling around on our bellies to grab valuable loot - surely everyone can spare a minute to secure a camping spot and log out.

Seriously, sometimes it seems like casuals take the game more seriously than I do.

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Anyone who disagrees with this' date=' whatever their reason, is probably one of those cowards who disconnects the second they're in any danger.


Anyone who thinks this, for whatever reason, is probably one of those idiots who thinks everything should be exactly as he wants it regardless of anyone else.

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this is honestly a terrible idea, not because of the excessive coding it would take, not the server lag it could cause, but because of the zombies. not everybody has a chance to log off in a safe spot where they will survive for 2 mins with no prob from the zombies. D/C in town? YOUR FUCKED! cat catch fire and needs to be put out while your crossing a street in elektro? YOUR FUCKED! its not even the players that are the problem here. to be honest here, its rather unfair. there are a lot of disconnects that cant be controlled and you want those people to suck it up? you suck it up when someone disconnects, you dont lose anything except a few bullets, if they lose power/internet/someothershit then they lose everything. ill be honest with you, ill D/C myself too, but not to other players, if im being chased by a zombie horse that i just dont want to deal with (or cant) ill log, it only effects me, however if im in a firefight, fuck logging that shits unfair - however, when other people do, just deal with it instead of demanding new mechanics to fuck everyone that isnt you.


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No - the engine can handle persistent characters as it is just fine. Punishing people for being logged out outside of their control is just plain retarded.

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