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Tents spawning loot?

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I'm new on the forums but not to DayZ so I don't know where to post this thread but here goes.

Me and my brother in law found a tent. That's normal right? Well you'd be right. So this tent had normal stuff in it with that rare gun the AS50 with a few other weapons and gear. So me and him looted the whole contents of the tent and were on our way. All seems normal. Bearing in mind there was only 1 of each item.

We go back the next day to get more ammo for the AS50 as we had to leave some and when we returned the tent had all the same gear back in it. Like it respawned. So we thought okay, so this time I took the AS50 and some ammo with a DMR in my bag. We then left.

The next day (so day 2) we returned to find the same stuff back.

Do servers spawn tents with loot that respawns or is it hacked? Because this isn't the first time I have come across a tent doing this.

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Tents will frequently re-spawn all their loot after a server restart.

If you want to screw over the owner of the tent, save the tent after taking items from it. This (should) prevent it from spawning again.

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Tents will frequently re-spawn all their loot after a server restart.

If you want to screw over the owner of the tent, save the tent after taking items from it. This (should) prevent it from spawning again.

Yess, always take the items out then save. Only leaving chemlights and flares behind..

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All the tents on the server got destroyed some how :( Including my own with lots of gear :(

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