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Lt. Toast

Giving away all my stuff!

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Recently I have started playing on a private hive server, thus making all of my stuff on the normal hives useless. Therefore I have decided to give it all away for free.

I'm not a bandit nor do I have any wish to kill you so come take my stuff.


L85a2 AWS --- 5 or 6 mags

FNFAL AN-PVS4 --- I think I have 8 mags for this

M1911 --- 4 or 5 mags

Frag grenade

I have all the tools.





Now how this is going to work, I will pick a number 1-100. After 10 submissions the guessing will be closed and whoever is closest wins, of course if you guess the number exactly then you win automatically. Both of the weapons will not go to the same person the person in 2nd will get the other one that 1st place doesn't wan't.


After the trade please add me to the Traders & Traitors list.

Edited by Lt. Toast

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Okay, first off I would like to thank everyone for participating, now for the winners.

1st place: DevilDog with a guess of 71 the correct number was 76

2nd place: DarthVolga at 70, you can have whatever DevilDog doesn't get.

Currently I am in Berezino, I will meet you wherever but please keep in mind that I am on foot so It may take a while. Once you are ready send me a server address (you can pm over the forums or on my steam account [monkeybread]) and I'll join you there to make the trade.

Thank you everybody for playing.

Edited by Lt. Toast

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Got my reward as being the 3rd! Lt. Toast didn't even switched to a gun thanks a lot again! :)

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