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Go on this server, its pretty funny.

They're hosting a NON PVP server on the main hive, they do actually pvp, but they aren't very good at it.

Yesterday after sniping one of their goof-members on the NW airfield another one of them ports behind me with a silenced hacked g3 and shoots at me. Ofc I turn around and oneshot him with the AS50, steal his hacked gun, and log out.

Coming back into the server today I have been perma banned for killing them, confirmed bandits on a non pvp server, who're hacking.

[b.A.M] -Mittlescharf- was the first guy I killed, seriously, what evidence can I provide now to blacklist these people? Actual in-game footage of when it happened? You must be joking.. You cannot let players do this on a PUBLIC hive.

I'm certainly happy to move on and forget this, I traded 4 As50 rounds for a hacked gun and their embarrassment so that's good enough for me, but they are a large clan, with a very popular server.

in terms of proof, I just don't know what I can provide. My system can't really handle in-game recording and keep an excellent framerate, so I don't record. The best I can do is a video of me loading into their server form DayZCommander to prove that I have an actual admin ban. Would that suffice?

Edited by TheBaby

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