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StormSeekers Operations -*AI Events*, More Weapons & Vehicles(Up to 60+6 Hueys), Custom Mods, Admins Monitor, Clan vs Clan

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The Stormseekers have been running a private server for several months with mixed success. Currently many regulars have either stopped coming by or are too busy to play. The server has many custom changes with many more planned. The end goal is to have Clan vs Clan play as well as Mission Operations with customized scenarios and rewards. There are enemy AI and new buildings/objects on the map and the location and count will be changed weekly. No special downloads needed, everything on the server is Allowed by the DayZ standard files. Server may not show up in list, but if you filter by "StormSeekers" it should show up.

We have a Ventrilo Server that anyone is welcome to join and clans can have channels setup for them.

Search Tags: StormSeekers

Required Mods: DayZ

  • Custom Mission areas created and loaded with AI, custom scripts & gear. Rewards for completing the mission area.
  • Up to 60+ Vehicles including upto 6 Hueys (default and additional spawn locations)
  • Additional Vehicles not in regular (ie police car, different UAZs, datsun's, VWGolf, V3S, etc)
  • Running Shadow Dukes Saintly Server w/ custom modifications
  • Designated PvP zone (populated/high loot areas), wilderness/small towns are preferred No KoS
  • Bandit KoS always allowed, other PKs: Self Defense, Base Defense, Dueling, Clan vs Clan, Deception)
  • Clan vs Clan battles (also alliances & deception)
  • Custom Initial Loadout (currently Makarov, food, hatchet, watch, map, matches)
  • Everyone spawns with a bike (after initial character creation)
  • Time customizable to accelerated/daytime/nighttime (currently set for normal, GMT-9 <Alaska time>)
  • Dynamic weather or Clear weather (currently dynamic)
  • Adjustable zombie count spawn 30-60 per player (currently set for 50/player) Zombies may mob rush players
  • Zombies & Loot spawn while in vehicles and more frequently
  • Automated Bus service. (currently just between Balota and Chernogorsk but additional routes to be added)
  • Modified Spawn locations, also the ability to change locations to inland random locations
  • Tents can be pitched Anywhere
  • Enemy AI added to the map (may be changed as often as daily)
  • Custom Map Changes (modifications done weekly and may be announced in game)
  • Custom Missions, depending on server population and player interest
  • Admins monitor during peak hours and review logs. Cheaters are investigated and banned on confirmation of cheating
  • No Player Kills in Churches (Highlander Rule)
  • DayZ Version:
  • Beta Patch: 97448
  • BattleEye = ON
  • Difficulty = Veteran
  • 3rd Person = ON
  • Side Chat = ON
  • VoIP = ON
  • Cross Hairs = ON
  • Waypoints = ON

Thank You for your Interest. Looking forward to meeting you in-game.


GM - The StormSeekers

(WoW server - Argent Dawn)


Skype: "Calinthor.Elutharixian"

Edited by Calinthor

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Some of it is mission file editing (adding AI and objects), some are including modified files compiled in the mission init (custom loadout, bikes, zombie count, tents, etc), and some are modifications to the server files (time changes). The client files are not modified (the @DayZ folder) on the client side, but a couple of the files are re-compiled to execute the custom code (bypassing client code). Much of what happens on the server is triggered on the client side (such as Zombie spawning).

If anyone wants the files or wants to discuss how to make these changes and other script changes, please let me know. I enjoy coding and testing things. I have a list of all the allowed vehicles and AI infantry (men) allowed in the game. I also have a modified dayz_anim.pbo file that removes all bans and allows all weapons, vehicles and infantry units in the game. I opted to not use it for the public server, since I don't want players to feel like they have to download custom files in order to play on the server. Also, battlEye would either have to be turned off or the BE script files modified to allow it to work, which opens it up to more hacking. I prefer to keep the game mod as close to what the creators wanted it to be and then adding things to keep it fresh.


GM - The StormSeekers

(WoW server - Argent Dawn)


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For vehicle list See:

AramA2/DayZ Class codes (in Order as appears in Video):








Also another bike "MMT_Civ" for mountain bike. There may be other vehicles, but I systematically went through every vehicle in the ArmA list and test. I noted that some BAF infantry units were allowed, as well as Turkish Militia AK units. Also, Aircraft Carriers, and the other ships are allowed in game, as well as the C130 static (not a working plane, just the cargo area is accessible).

Again, anyone wanting to discuss code changes or just ideas for Dayz or ArmA, please let me know. If anyone wants to collaborate on a project, I'll be interested in discussing.

Edited by Calinthor

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Still looking for more good players. If any of the old regulars are still around, your characters are waiting for your return. Don't leave them for the zombies to feast on.

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Tired of just killing zombies and trying to find players to kill? Need a change of pace?

Only one week left for this Event:


Mission Briefing:

Yes, even after the Zombie Apocalypse, the Taliban are still in business. They've setup shop on a mountain West/SW of Pobeda Dam. Recon has setup a sandbagged area W/NW of the compound they refer to as "The Alamo". Your task is simple, clear the area of Taliban, go in and loot the two camping tents (Filled with hard to find items and weapons) and any other areas of interest, then get out before their zombified bodies rise & overwhelm you. Also, do not take any vehicles from the compound.

Video description:

Quick Fly over of the mission area, but we had to fly away and land, we were taking enemy fire. Area can be cleared with 3-4 people. Minimum 2 snipers with plenty of Ammos, Med supplies and discipline.

This is "StormSeekers Operations" filter by "Storm" and you should find us.

Sorry for the crappy video. I have others that show the compound clearer and another of us clearing the compound, but it was corrupted. Besides, isn't the thrill the unknown and not knowing exactly what you're going to come across? (yeah I know.. long run from Kamenka... but at least you'll have a Bike)

YOU DO NOT NEED ANY SPECIAL FILE DOWNLOADS... This is using Regular DayZ Public files ver with BattlEye Enabled.

Edited by Calinthor

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Fan/player made video. It's an old video, but shows how the Zombies can mob you and trap you. Also shows how effective a hatchet can be.

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Can I get a direct IP so I can add it to DZC?


McGee here; Great experience all around.

Edited by Axelord FTW

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An Easy change to the Stormseekers Operations Server. The North East Airfield is getting additional buildings and made it more target rich, but also more dangerous. Also, get ready for the Skalisty Island Event. Still need more testing, but hopefully this coming weekend. Another post coming later today. Heli Crashes don't spawn loot (I might change that), they are there for effect and zombie spawning.

Added some buildings and effects to NE airfield on Chernarus map. Industry building, Fire Station, Baracks, med tent, deer stand, two crashed helis (no loot spawns), and C130 for effect. Heli adds zombies as do the other buildings, making the NE a little more target rich but also more dangerous.

Still on Test server (in case you didn't notice the guns and some tweaks needed to building altitude) will go live next weekend with the Skalisty Island Event. Skalisty Island Event will add some of these weapons to the server.

Also..don't judge my bad shooting.. I was distracted.

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I consider everything done by me and others a collaborative effort for the good of the DayZ & Arma Community. So I'm willing to share anything, provided people agree to note the work and give those developers credit (even if it's just in the code where no one really sees it) for the work they put in.

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Another fan/player made video.. this is a successful run on the Compound we put on the map. It went smooth. The guy doing the video has done it quite a few times so he's a veteran at it. Oh and the area we were hold up in is referred to as "The Alamo". This is the last week this event will be up. Next week Skalisty Island Assault... Hopefully less of a cakewalk for these guys. Note, video is long, also AI has been changed to patrol more.

Enjoy the video:


Edited by Calinthor

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Rough layout of Skalisty Island Event (coming soon). Also showing what other models/AI are available in DayZ without modifying any files. For any developers, MCC is a great tool..for hackers, MCC is a great way to get global banned.

Looking forward to killing many players with this event.

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Haven't really talked about this over Skype or anything, but can you go into more detail about what the automated bus service does?

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Hi i have a private server that is mainly just for me and my friends.

I am interested in how this setup is done.


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Yes I would like to know a little on how you got the auto bus service..

And how you got AI to work? Ive added them in through map editing and no luck getting them to stay.

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Skalisty Island Event is just about complete. Here's a quick walk through... Enjoy (Sorry about the Video quality on youtube it looked great before uploading).

Mission Briefing:

A rogue group of British Special Forces have taken over the island and have been conducting experiments on the Undead trying to quell their aggressive behavior.

Instead the Undead have become more aggressive and ravenous to everyone except the soldiers.

Several attempts have been made to infiltrate the compound by air, but all helicopters have been shot down. You will approach from the NW side by PBXs.

The compound is heavily guarded and you will face stiff opposition

*This is another event being run on the StormSeekers DayZ Server. Stop by and check out the server.

**This video is for personal use and all content belong to the respective parties (Bohemia Interactive & All that Remain).

Edited by Calinthor

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  On 10/22/2012 at 8:47 AM, TheNinja said:

Yes I would like to know a little on how you got the auto bus service..

And how you got AI to work? Ive added them in through map editing and no luck getting them to stay.

Add me to skype and I'll try and help as much as I can. some things are hard to explain until you do it... Everything I've done is extremely simple.

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