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Raffling Starter Kit

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Before you say " Oh low posts obvs trap" please look at my other posts I've done two other raffles with success

Starter Kit includes:




M9SD with 2 mags

Coyote Backpack

M4A1 CCO SD with 2 mags

How I got all this: My friends and I use to be bandits until we figured out helping players was much more fun, we now have more gear than we know what to do with so we're giving it away.

First 5 people to guess 1-100 can win.

My In Game Name is Guy and will most likely be in either a Hero or Ghillie suit depending on where the winner wants to meet.

Important Edit: I would prefer if you cache your gear in an tent on a server I am not in so I can not be held responsible if someone does kill you. TL;DR Please don't bring your gear.

Edited by Bestofall

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Rainfinders...GRAMMER NAZI strikes again! :rolleyes:


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Rainfinders...GRAMMER NAZI strikes again! :rolleyes:


Oh darn, he's got me :( I fixed it lol. Would you like to pick a number?

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