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How does vehicle saving work?

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Ok, so my question is about vehicle saving. I understand saving a vehicle saves the last saved position before restart, and after restart it goes to last saved spot. But say i'm on a public hive and i switch to a different server. Does the vehicle move from server to server or how does that work? (sorry if i sound stupid)

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Nope. Vehicles don't follow you from server to server.

Edited by WalterWhite

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Objects (Tents, cat wire, hedgehogs, bear traps, vehicles, etc.) are saved to a particular server. Those items will not follow you cross-server no matter what.

Your character, however, does follow you throughout the same hive (If you play on a public hive server, you'll persist with that character through all other public hive servers)

Therefore once you establish yourself on a particular server (vehicle/tent) you will want to generally stay there. No servers (public or private) share their objects between one another. Vehicles/tents/etc never move servers.

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