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Tony! I hope you read this.. I really do.

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I was the one to fire that shot that extinguished your flame on top of that firestation roof at North Airfield. It was my first bandit hunt. I had hunkered down at the opposite end of the airfield, eating some beans and listening to music. Waiting for something to happen.. then you logged in and popped in full view on top of the said firestation. You looked around, and I was staring at you through the scope, I had trouble seeing whether you were wearing regular or bandit clothes so I was unsure whether I should take the shot.. the adrenaline was too much and I pulled the trigger and watched your body fall down and disappear. My heart was beating like hell, I had killed someone.. finally. Damn bandit scum deserved it..

Unfortunately.. the moment I climbed up that roof.. and realized that the one I had just shot was a regular survivor like me, my heart sunk.. and at that exact moment lighting struck, it started raining like hell and my foobar decided it would be nice to play Amazing Grace..

Tony, if you read this.. I'm sorry. If the DayZ devs had been nice enough to let us construct graves for dead survivors, you can believe me when I say that I would've given you the most beautiful burial ever, this time though.. all I could do was make sure the stuff you carried didn't go to waste and then hide your body.

I'm so sorry..

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How can you not tell difference between a bandana and a cap?

Oh wait, all you wanted was a kill ;)

The distance between me and the target was around 600m or so, it was night, and he never gave me his sideprofile which would've shown me if he was wearing a cap. And I was using a weapon with thermal scope on it, which I have thrown away because you can't identify the target at all with it, I'd rather have CZ550 and NV instead because of this damn incident.

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The distance between me and the target was around 600m or so, it was night, and he never gave me his sideprofile which would've shown me if he was wearing a cap. And I was using a weapon with thermal scope on it, which I have thrown away because you can't identify the target at all with it, I'd rather have CZ550 and NV instead because of this damn incident.

Just face it, you're a cold blooded killer ;)

welcome to the gang ;)

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Just face it, you're a cold blooded killer ;)

welcome to the gang ;)

NEVER! I'd rather eat rusty nails and drink battery acid than admit to being part of the asshats of DayZ.

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NEVER! I'd rather eat rusty nails and drink battery acid than admit to being part of the asshats of DayZ.


You can wash the blood off your hands, but you'll never forget it. (the rush you got ;) )

[if you can't tell im just f**king about lol im that bored]

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As long as he may resist, the call of the blood will draw him out of hiding.

Then after having a jolly good bandit time and getting his quota of Elektro sniping, he'll get bred and start countersniping, and then he'll get bored of that and start caring about player interaction.

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Hahha must be the cutest post i've seen, I'd hug you with a no homo style if i could.

See you in the field, soldier.

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Oh god I would have been going nuts this arvo as I ran into my mates line of fire and died from a M9 bullet to the head or a few I think, but luckily he picked up my stuff. Then the whole server got nuked :( I lost an AS50 and that my kiddies is why you never leave your home server because home servers are safe as long as you know the admins. Some admins are cranky buggers who have a cry whenever they get shot. Also come join a hacker free environment on server AU27 :) easy to reach TS as well.

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