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Xp4T (private hive open for business)

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Hi guys, we recently changed our server over to Lingor. We currently have very few bandits on our little island and focus mainly on fixing vehicles and basically collecting loot. A fantastic noob server if you will.

We are an xpat group based in Germany but with members europe wide. Please, if you are into having fun, with some good people, then we want you to come join us.

We have our own TSpeak server also and never take anything too seriously.

Would love to see some more folks on our server. It is password protected, so find xp4t on facebook, pm us and we will send out the password.

Once you get your password, just search Xp4T and come join in the fun. If you have Tspeak we can send the deatils for that too.

Play with us or against us, in a group or alone...come be a part of our island adventures!!!

Be sure to check out our website to watch previous fun we have had together.


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Forgot to mention, our ever watchful admin keep their vigil 24 hrs a day to rid our server of the pesky hackers...well, one of them does anyway...

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