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Bearded McGee

Alright, so I did the whole Chreno-Elektro beaner boogaloo, now to highwayman!

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Yep, I did the whole shebang.

Got a pistol and the odd shotgun/lee/1866 and roamed the streets of Cherno and Elektro between the setting and the rising of the solar disc.

Had a whole lot of good times, I got killed often but I never got geared up beyond ammo and beans/water.

Met more friendlies than ever.

Quite a few good stories overall.

Now, I'm thinking of taking upon the mantle of the noble Highwayman. Well, more like a footpad. We have no horses in DayZ. (You learn things everyday)

I'm wanting to pick a few spots maybe on a certain server and setting up control points.

Maybe getting a friend or two to help me in this.

So, I'm looking for tips and some information.

One big question I have is about how Wire Fences react to vehicles. My best guest is that a vehicle can destroy it like it can destroy tents. I'd like confirmation. Creating barriers out of tank traps only would require more time and materiel.

Any good ambush points and locations some of you might know? I'm thinking of either the Factory, north of Solnichniy using the two bridges as choke points or just west of Kamyshovo vis-a-vis the natural rock-faces so to create a better chokepoint.

I'm not looking for kills but to remove the superfluous weight from those weary survivors and maybe netting a single vehicle before just taking a toll fee off the travellers. You know, protection money.

Edited by Axelord FTW
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I believe that Wire fences stop vehicles (Lol I know right)

I was thinking about of doing the whole highwayman thing, it seems like a fun way to play the game :D

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hooray for yellow text!

disclaimer: these foruns are ipboard, they support a mobile version with a bright white post background, and your post is competely blank for me, since this yellow color is too light to show contrast.

please for the sake of the mobile users, use the default color

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Every vehicle aside from a bicycle can run over wire fences as easy as over tents, sorry to break it to you

A VERY good ambush point is the barns at novy sobor, no one can see you inside, and the street barricade can't be passed without driving to the barns area

you also only need two or three steel hedgehogs to barricade the area, maybe more to barricade the other gate, too

also, you can look through the windows of the long barn, giving you guys a huge advantage over people driving past the barn area

here is a picture how i think of the ambush:


light blue: most people drive that way

green: place steel barricades there

black: natural barricade

red: gate

Edited by Zombo

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