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Did I deserve the Global Ban?

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I was globally banned, there is nothing that can change that, however I want to ask the community if they think I deserved it.

I was on DE369 (I think) and suddenly I was ported over the sea and died, no biggy spent the rest of the day looking for new stuff and I find myself a ATV and spent hours reparing it (It was in the middle of nowhere) once done I hid it and logged off.

The next day I log on, hop on the ATV and start on my way to stary for some tent rifling and some banditry. Half way there I suddenly lag and appear in the middle of a clearing and immediatly crash into a bus, all the vehicles had been ported to this location and the hacker opened up on me, I hid and tried using my map to plot my location (using markers to work out where I was in relation to cities) and pop the entire server was over the sea again.

I went mental and decided that the best way to get my damn ATV back was to use a map hack. I looked one up and how to use it booted it up and started DAYZ but while it was loading I started to calm and by the time I hit the lobby I had second thoughts, the Irony was that the thought I had was "I dont want to be banned I have found vehicles before I can again" and closed DAYZ, stopped the hack, deleted it and started DAYZ again and played normally.

When I got home from a weekend trip I tried to start DAYZ and got Global Ban 634B (I think)

Do you think I don't deserve this ban or do you consider this fair?

Edited by Rathios1337

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If you are telling the truth then its kinda bad luck, but just goes to show dont even mess with hacks even when you are angry.

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The ban was fair. However, The use of hacks in this case was jutsified. Not okay, but justified.

Losing your stuff to some random scrub somewhere is bound to be annoying, so I can see why you would do that. However you must understand that it doesn't matter for what reason you did it, you did it. That in itself is grounds for a ban.

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Its a second to late, you pulled the trigger by beeing in the lobby with an maphack. And now you have to take the consequeces.

Edited by Paddy0610
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I went mental and decided that the best way to get my damn ATV back was to use a map hack.

You used a hack so yes it was fair.

What's stopping every nugget from saying "oh im sick of getting unfairly killed by all these newb sniperz camping cherno with hacked in guns, so i'll just hack in a quick weapon to put me on an even keel"

"while i'm at it i'll just spawn in some extra ammo for it to make sure I take em all out on sniper hill and get out of cherno...."

"actually i could use some supplies so i can head north and get out of it, ill just spawn some meat and mountain dews, might as well survive in style..."

"actually this is taking ages to head north on foot, i should just spawn in an atv....."

"im not sure where im at actually , ima bit lost, i may as well spawn in a map...."

"nah im lost i need a GPS..."

"the atv is a bit unstable and needs to be refuled too much much, best repalce it with an offroader....."

"wow this is irritating taking far to long to get around the map, i need me a chopper...."

"actually i could do with ,....."

It's a slippery slope and the line has to be drawn somewhere. The line is DON'T USE HACKS. The concequinces are a perma ban . You are made aware of this in advance and it's down to you. You have no one else to blame but yourself. You took the risks you pay the price. Hard lesson but yes it is fair.

Edited by Box
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You cant win in this game, The ppl who do all the super hacks get away with it and the small time ppl who try to compete using poxy hacks (eg) map hacks are the ones that get banned..

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True indeed. Regular players usually gets banned and the real cheaters are never affected. If some of the big ones gets caught by some paranoid server admin - the worst is that the cheater is reported for community ban. Well - not every server is linked to this community ban list and the cheater always can get fresh stolen game key for pennies.

However, make sure that your computer is clean from hack after it has been "deleted". A member of our clan tried to install a hack some weeks ago, then he got banned by BattlEye and "deleted" the hack, then he purchased new game key from newly created Steam account, BattlEye banned him again before even he managed to login the game. So at the end the guy had to reinstall Windows and to purchase non-Steam game key. Fortunately this worked and he can play now.

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You cant win in this game, The ppl who do all the super hacks get away with it and the small time ppl who try to compete using poxy hacks (eg) map hacks are the ones that get banned..

cheats are cheats, none of them are allowed and all users of these cheats should be banned end of story.

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I went mental and decided that the best way to get my damn ATV back was to use a map hack.

>get quad

>get attached to quad

>loose quad

>get pissy/bitch mode about loosing quad

>decide to hack


Durrrrrrrrrr i hacked.


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You lost an ATV. Everyone loses camps, vehicles, gear, ect, but some people decide to be little bratty kids and think they have a right to start hacking to get it back. So then they do, but then they don't stop either.

Yes, you deserved your ban and I hope you never come back to Day Z. (or Arma II even)

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As soon as you start up that hack your no better than the guys that ported the whole server into the ocean. Its a challenge for normal players to deal with hackers, but its an unfortunate part of the game.

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Yep. You used a tool to get an unfair advantage, that the rest of us do not have access to. Goodbye!

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You cant win in this game

You cannot win, only try to lose more slowly.

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A player cheats/hacks: Check!

Said player get's globally banned by BattlEye: Check!

Working as intended!

It doesn't matter for what reasons a hack is used. If we would make differences between "good" and "bad" hacking I guess everyone could come up with a story to back up his "legit" hacking. As a matter of fact, hacking/cheating in a multiplayer game where it affects other players is always bad. A lot of the scripters out there are none of the hardcore ahckers. Thy are just a bunch of guys getting killed too many times and now seek an easy way to play the game. The moment someone cheats, the same moment he deserves the ban. There is no good or bad ahcking, only hacking.

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The only advice i can give is to keep trying differant servers. Some servers seem to rage with hackers , whilst others not so much. I have been ok for about 2 weeks now... touching wood while i whistle!!

Thats for the hack, if you installed it, you deserve the ban.

Good Luck ..

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