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My name is Jack and I am 18 years old. I live in England and have played DayZ for about 4-5 months. I used to have a good group of guys until we all stopped playing in general, barely speak to each other anymore. So I understand squad play and what is required when moving with large teams. I have a mic and TS so that's no problem. If you wanted to speak to me, add me on Steam so we can arrange a time and day to chat. Thanks :)

Steam: Fulk188

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Male, Female or Zombies feel free to apply. Vampires not welcome!

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Private hive, 99% Hacker free, More weapons and vehicles sound like fun. Hosted by Dreamhack! Then come play and have fun with us.

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Just out of curiosity, why did you remove me guys ?

We looked through your post history, So i'm sure you can answer that one yourself.

Edited by 9000MHZ

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We looked through your post history, So i'm sure you can answer that one yourself.

It was then when you changed your fucking teamspeak IP , I thought the squad is gone, that is why I started to look for a new one. You could have at least asked.

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Free hugs with every application!

(hugs may be redemed in 2044)

Edited by 9000MHZ

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So guys. My name is David, I am 18 years old from the UK. I've been playing for a good few months now (can't remember when).

I was part of a clan but everybody pretty much quit due to the crazy amount of hackers that popped up a while ago. This was when password protected servers and whitelists were frowned upon so it was impossible to play. Anyways they are all inactive now and I am looking for somewhere else to go.

I have a lot of experience, especially with solo work i.e. looting electro/cherno/berzino/NW and driving vehicles since the server I play on is pretty low population. I know a huge amount of vehicle spawns. Also the server doesn't use waypoints so I can pretty much drive from one side of the map to the other without looking at a map.

So yeah I have a mic so let me know if you want me to join you guys, my steam is bylt94.

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We just updated Teamspeak, It now has 200% more magics!

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Ok I lied, It was 300% more magics...Honest!

(You will reply to this thread, you must, you are feeling very sleepy....These are not the droids your looking fo...)

Edited by 9000MHZ

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Hey 24 year old male here. looking to join IW. I'm based in the UK just outside Bristol. I've Been playing arma2 for one year, Dayz around the same. Very high experience levels with a mature attitude. I'm a tactical player. I approach different situations using different means of attack or defense. often playing solo I have learnt a few tricks along the way....! my preferred role is sniper / spotter but I can also be a effective raid member with deadly consequence's! I have a lot of low level flying xp under my belt also for camp searching or rescue missions when I have grouped. If you would like to know more about me and my potential skills hit me with a message so we can have a chat. ( Steam = Bandit AO ) Cheers lads :thumbsup: :D

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