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tyronebiggums (DayZ)

Underwater Vehicles

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So ummm, I'm not clear no how cleanup of destroyed vehicles works to the fullest extent.

As I understand any vehicles in debug area will be removed and randomly spawned at their spawn locations.

But what about when say, a helicopter crashes on the sea?

Got hacked today, and had to ditch my Huey in the ocean. He still got me naturally(teleported to coast and put a .50 cal in me). But even after several server restarts the crashed heli remains underwater... its not being removed or respawning anywhere... just sits there. You need to go prone on the coast to see it, as it is entirely submerged.

Is there any mechanism in place to deal with vehicles in such situations? If no, should we expect it(as it makes perfect sense)

Also, what can I do in this situation? any way to "remove it"... as the way I know is to just hose down a vehicle with bullets until it dissapears, then it will go back to the vehicle spawn cycle...

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Download hack, start server without battleye, teleport all vehicles on land, remove hack and restart server with battleye :D Not the best way but i don't see another :D

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