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{PIITB} Raptor

PIITB Gaming Private Hive!

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PIITB Gaming Private Hive Server!

Tired of Hackers ruining your day in Dayz? Come over to PIITB Gaming! (TX 69) PIITB.KICKS-ASS.NET

We have a strong dedicated team of administrators!

This server has a strong sense of community - we look out for one another.

  • This server is brand new (Database wiped Sept 26)
  • This server either has an admin online or the whitelist is up - (no hackers to worry about)
  • We have 50+ Vehicles in the game with more added as needed!
  • Bugs happen! Our admins will attempt to restore your character if something unforeseen happens!
  • We have our own TEAMSPEAK 3 server - with multiple channels
  • This server is running DAYLIGHT 24/7 right now - that can be changed later if dictated by the community!
  • Server is backed up every 20 minutes!
  • Admins will host events, possibility for loot!

Get whitelisted now! Goto: Http://PIITB.KICKS-ASS.NET

Edited by {PIITB} Raptor

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yo your website is not working ive got a few friends who want in

Edited by Aqua Swede

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