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Chernarus Coast Guard (CCG) [Recruting]

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Welcome to the Chernarus Coast Guard.


Who Are the CCG?

The CCG is a special division of the Trusted Medics of the Wasteland, and we are dedicated to conducting operations to benefit ourselves and our fellow survivors outside of the group and TMW altogether. We patrol the coasts, handing out supplies to those we find and giving medical attention to those who ask. At times where we are not running an op, we work as regular TMW members in their fields.


Working on a new member system.

Honor Code

Know Who You Are

After being a member of TMW, you are a member of the Chernarus Coast Guard. You are part of the finest organization specialized in the protection of Chernarus. You are only a part of the larger, and shall act as a team, not an individual. You will give your self for others, and will expect the same from all your teammates. You will never leave your partner's side for any reason. You will go every and all lengths to keep your patients alive, and will not leave their side for any reason. As a member of the CCG, you are expected to eliminate all bandits you encounter when instructed. You will be confident, calm, and a leader. You will be strong, fast, and efficient. You will be a hero, and you will be a team. You will be a member of the Chernarus Coast Guard.

Know Your Enemy


These men are the enemy. As a member of the Chernarus Coast Guard, you are to shoot any and all bandits you come across when instructed, and will be encouraged to do so, as long so you don't endanger anyone around you, including yourself. As well, any and all survivors and heroes you encounter will not be fired on by you unless you are fired upon by them.

Know Your Allies



It is important to know your enemy. Likewise, it is crucial to know your allies. The survivors and heroes of Chernarus are to be considered hostile but not fired upon. Once you have called out friendly and they have done the same, he is then considered friendly. At this point, it is your job to assist this person in any way possible.

Placement and Role Information


Scouts are what keep an operation well informed. They are specialized in gathering intel based on surroundings, and scoping out areas. Being a sniper, they take high positions where they can overwatch an operation. A riflemen stays on the ground, clearing buildings. Scouts are the first on and last off of the scene, and secures the safety of the other members on the team.


This job basically refers to medics. Caring and compassionate, the rescue team of the CCG stop at nothing to fulfill a contract. Carrying a variety of gear and equipment, medics generally patrol around hotspots in Chernarus, looking for people to help, or are up with a pilot "scouting" out for new spawns to gear up. Rescue members are in charge of the well-being of everyone participating in the operation.


Pilots are basically the cogs in the CCG machine. They keep operations well oiled, and make things run smoothly. Pilots focus in transportation with vehicles, and are not heavily armed, but combat effective. They transport medics and scouts, flying or driving to places around Chernarus. There are 2 of these positions per-squad.



During a CCG operation, scouts are expected to be quick and efficient, while also being quiet and tactical. Snipers are expected to overwatch an operation and scan the area for hostiles, providing information in a constant data stream. Rifleman are expected to clear buildings and cover the rest of the team during the mission. Scouts are expected to carry plenty of ammo and have a plethora of tools at their disposal.

In certain situations, leeway is available. For instance, in a case where there is not much time to be careful, a scout is expected to clear the immediate area the patient is in while covering the medic.


The medics of the CCG are held to the standards of by which they cannot leave a patient until they are fully treated and rehabilitated. Medics will give up any supplies they have to help the survivor in need.


A pilot is expected to keep his/her vehicles well-oiled, well-hidden, and in good condition. He/she is expected to use them for the right purposes.

Filing a Report-

When an official operation is started, the highest ranking member is in charge. That member will also file a report at the end. The report format will be as follows:

-Operation Name


-Names of Those Whom Participated

-Basic Objective


-Outstanding Actions (if a member took down all hostiles single handedly, or something of that nature)


In Development


You can read TMW's official rules here: (link being acquired)

1. You are a TMW member first- You will respect TMW members as brothers and sisters. If you are a team leader in the CCG, it does not apply in TMW. You are expected to carry out contracts and play with other TMW members on a regular basis, when not on an operation.

2. High standards- There will be no use of sexism, racism, vulgar language directed at another person, or use of racial slurs within the CCG.

3. Keep your integrity- If you die on a CCG operation, you may not go back and retrieve your gear. Someone else may do it, but none of it shall be redirected to you for use.

4. (Rules still being established, applies for rules above as well.)

How to Join

Note: Race, location, and gender will NOT affect your acceptance into the CCG, but you must be older than 12 to apply.

1. Meet All Requirements to Join

-Have TeamSpeak & a microphone

-Be over 12 years of age

-Are human

-Has a legal copy of ArmA 2

-Have fully read the rules

-Have fully read the honor code

2. Earn TMW Membership

In the CCG, you are a TMW membership first. Once you have earned a TMW membership, you just need to ask to be put in the team. Follow this link to see membership requirements for TMW: (link in the process of being acquired, please be patient)

3. Post Initial Info

Fill out this form once you have gotten a TMW membership. It's a basic system and helps us keep track of your file.

What is your ArmA profile name?

What is your age?


Location? (Country & State/Province/Territory)


Gaming schedule?

Preferred position?

How did you find this thread?

Anything I should know about you?

Contact Info

Join TeamSpeak @ ts.dayzmedics.com. Look for a user with "Captain" as a nickname.

Email- [email protected]

[All Images on the thread taken off of Google Images.]

Edited by metapaus

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What is your ArmA profile name?

Betz (will change)

How old are you?


What is your gender?


How long have you been playing DayZ?

2 months

Do you have TeamSpeak? (if not, get TeamSpeak)


What position would you like to apply for?


Why do you think you have what it takes to be a part of the CCG?

i am looking to do things as a team and i know i can contribute to the team

Do you have a microphone?


What is your timezone and gaming schedule?


Should be able to be on whenever needed

Have you read and agree to abide by all rules and the content in the Honor Code put forth that are expected for you to follow?


Edited by SBetz30

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What is your ArmA profile name?


How old are you?


What is your gender?


How long have you been playing DayZ?

Around 2-3 months.

Do you have TeamSpeak? (if not, get TeamSpeak)


What position would you like to apply for?


Why do you think you have what it takes to be a part of the CCG?

A scout seems a good role for me, my m107 never misses. :o

Do you have a microphone?


What is your timezone and gaming schedule?


Have you read and agree to abide by all rules and the content in the Honor Code put forth that are expected for you to follow?


Edited by Jamie_Mac

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Accepted! Added to the member's list. Stay in touch.


Your application looks good, but what GMT are you? For instance, I can be called EST in regards to my timezone, but I am also GMT -0:500 (Or something in that nature, I know the -0:5 is correct atleast) Also, include your gaming schedule to the extent you wish. You don't need exact times and dates, just a general idea.

Once you inform me of this, you will be added in the member's list.

Edited by metapaus

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How old are you?


What is your gender?


How long have you been playing DayZ?

3 or 4 months now

Do you have TeamSpeak? (if not, get TeamSpeak)


What position would you like to apply for?


Why do you think you have what it takes to be a part of the CCG?

to be able to work in a team to help people

Do you have a microphone?


What is your timezone and gaming schedule?

Aus , when ever i get a chance to game

Have you read and agree to abide by all rules and the content in the Honor Code put forth that are expected for you to follow?


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Your application looks good, but what GMT are you? For instance, I can be called EST in regards to my timezone, but I am also GMT -0:500 (Or something in that nature, I know the -0:5 is correct atleast) Also, include your gaming schedule to the extent you wish. You don't need exact times and dates, just a general idea.

Once you inform me of this, you will be added in the member's list.

GMT+1:00 I'm from Uk bro. I play Day z mostly everyday, longer on weekends. :)

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What is your ArmA profile name? Jeff

How old are you? 20

What is your gender? Male

How long have you been playing DayZ? A few months

Do you have TeamSpeak? (if not, get TeamSpeak) Can get it

What position would you like to apply for? rescue or escort

Why do you think you have what it takes to be a part of the CCG? I enjoy working with others as a team and I like helping people.

Do you have a microphone? Yes

What is your timezone and gaming schedule? EDT -4:00

Have you read and agree to abide by all rules and the content in the Honor Code put forth that are expected for you to follow? Yes

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As long as you can play on US servers, you should be completely fine. If not, I'll try and organize a UK branch, though it might take some time, you can understand.


I believe that Aus means Australia. If this is the case, then circumstances fall under the same as Jamie_Mac. If you can play on US servers, you should be alright. Also, please provide your ArmA profile name. Thank you. Once you have completed these tasks you will be re-evaluated for acceptance.


Your application is invalid. Please follow the correct format. You application will be reviewed when you have completed and posted. Thank you.


Accepted! Welcome aboard! I would like you to answer one more question that I plan to add to the application, though. It is as follows:

What is your country and state/province of residence? (providing your state or province of residence is optional)

Edited by metapaus

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As long as you can play on US servers, you should be completely fine. If not, I'll try and organize a UK branch, though it might take some time, you can understand.

I usually play on US servers,they seem more lively.

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As long as you can play on US servers, you should be completely fine. If not, I'll try and organize a UK branch, though it might take some time, you can understand.

I usually play on US servers,they seem more lively.

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What is your ArmA profile name?


How old are you?


What is your gender?


How long have you been playing DayZ?


Do you have TeamSpeak? (if not, get TeamSpeak)


What position would you like to apply for?

Any except for pilot

Why do you think you have what it takes to be a part of the CCG?

I'm a born survivour, I'm ready share my tips, and tricks

Do you have a microphone?

Of course

What is your timezone and gaming schedule?

16:00-23:00 week days, and any time on the weekend

What is your country and state/province of residence? (it is not required to give information on your state/province)

U.K (Northern Ireland)

Have you read and agree to abide by all rules and the content in the Honor Code put forth that are expected for you to follow?

Yes, I have I play DayZ with good morales, I treat it as real life.

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Then welcome aboard. Glad to have you.


Accepted, but only partially. You need to decide for yourself what position you want. Positions are apt for change, especially right now when someone doesn't have to agree with you to swap so it stays even. I'll add you name to the members list, but you need to tell me what you want to do.

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What is your ArmA profile name?


How old are you?


What is your gender?


How long have you been playing DayZ?

month and 1/2

Do you have TeamSpeak? (if not, get TeamSpeak)


What position would you like to apply for?

Scout/rifleman because i have a great shot

Why do you think you have what it takes to be a part of the CCG?

I amazing accurcy and I follow the commands i'm givin.

Do you have a microphone?

Yes i have a mic.

What is your timezone and gaming schedule?

EST (Eastern Time) I play a good 3-4 hours a day.

What is your country and state/province of residence? (it is not required to give information on your state/province)

MA, United States

Have you read and agree to abide by all rules and the content in the Honor Code put forth that are expected for you to follow?


Edited by chicken065

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What is your ArmA profile name?


How old are you?


What is your gender?


How long have you been playing DayZ?

5 months

Do you have TeamSpeak? (if not, get TeamSpeak)


What position would you like to apply for?


Why do you think you have what it takes to be a part of the CCG?

I am efficient and have experience scouting and scavenging

Do you have a microphone?


What is your timezone and gaming schedule?

Central, Tuesday, Thursday, and weekends

What is your country and state/province of residence? (it is not required to give information on your state/province)

USA, Texas

Have you read and agree to abide by all rules and the content in the Honor Code put forth that are expected for you to follow?


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Alright, updating your member status!


Congradulations! You have earned yourself the last position on our scouting team. I might have to increase slots to 4, or split up the team into smaller squads but have more squads.


Alright, your application looks great, but this means I'm going to have to make a new system, considering we already have 3 scouts. Wait while I implement it, and then I'll assign you. Welcome aboard.

Edited by metapaus

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What is your ArmA profile name?

xKunaiKnight - Friendly

How old are you?


What is your gender?


How long have you been playing DayZ?

3 and a half months.

Do you have TeamSpeak? (if not, get TeamSpeak)


What position would you like to apply for?

Medic, Worst case scenario pilot.

Why do you think you have what it takes to be a part of the CCG?

I am extremely anti-bandit. I try my best to not shoot on sight unless fired upon. I can follow commands, and give orders. I am prepared to sacrifice anything I need to.

Do you have a microphone?


What is your timezone and gaming schedule?

CST, 4:50-11:00 PM

What is your country and state/province of residence? (it is not required to give information on your state/province)

United States, Minnesota.

Have you read and agree to abide by all rules and the content in the Honor Code put forth that are expected for you to follow?

I have.

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Ok, I re-did the squad system just for you! There's also rankings now, so read up! You are in squad 2A. Questions?


Your application looks good. Welcome aboard. Just one question, why does no one want to be a pilot, and why do you not want to be a pilot? You are assigned rescue in squad 2A.

Edited by metapaus

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Haha, no idea. My best guess is everyone is too lazy to file a report, but I'm not an awesome pilot, that's why I said worst case scenario. :]

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Everyone has to file the report, not just pilots. It doesn't have to be overly extensive. The purpose of reports is so we have records, we can have numbers, statistics, and so we can recognize people for their actions.

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Posted teamspeak in topic under contact info. join

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What is your ArmA profile name?


How old are you?


What is your gender?


How long have you been playing DayZ?

4-5 months

Do you have TeamSpeak? (if not, get TeamSpeak)

Yes, name is worldwar2freak

What position would you like to apply for?


Why do you think you have what it takes to be a part of the CCG?

I am good at driving or flying anything. I want to join so I can be part of a team and show noobs that not all experinced players are spawn-camping douchebags

Do you have a microphone?


What is your timezone and gaming schedule?

Mountain time, 3pm-8pm weekdays, 10am-8pm weekends (subject to change anytime

What is your country and state/province of residence? (it is not required to give information on your state/province)

Central New Mexico, USA

Have you read and agree to abide by all rules and the content in the Honor Code put forth that are expected for you to follow?


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Amazing. Our first pilot. Welcome aboard.

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