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New Zealand or Australia Survivors?

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Hey there, I play DayZ almost every night (around 7pm NZ time) and my 15 day character was just sniped last night on the outskirts of Electro. Anyway, I am keen to play with another person or small group this time instead of lone-wolf. I don't actively go looking for PvP conflicts (I am not a bandit) but know how to handle myself against other players. I have also been playing since May and know what I'm doing. If your interested let me know, no experience required, I am just lonely!

Hope to see you around.

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If you see me as well, know I am friendly.

Day Z: Shinquai

Steam: The OriginalShinquai

Edited by Shinquai

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Hey bro, hi from

Australia. Add me on steam I'm liam78787. Do I haf Skype . Also I'm gettin dayz in 2 days

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If you are looking for a large, established group, then the 97ADU might be for you.

We are currently recruiting, and you can click on the link in my sig for more info.


- Vendetta


Director of Communications & Recruitment

Edited by 97ADU Vendetta

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Hey there, I recently started a steam group. I don't see it raking in a large number of members, but we're still a small survivor group.

You can then add me after you join, my name is CaptainJack.


I joined this group yesterday after Hessian helped me in Day Z, he ran half way across the map to give me blood bag and fix my broken leg. I'm looking to help people as well, if you are too, then join us on Steam.

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