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vehicle class UH1Y no longer exists.

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i was just on a dayz server where i was being hunted by a group of players in a uhy1 chopper.. but i couldnt see the chopper at all..

when i log into the game i get this message..

addon 'dayz_anim' requires addon " CAAir2_PchelaT'

then when i reach the player list page i get a similar error message saying

Cannot load texture ca/air2/data/ui/icon_uh1y_ca.paa.

with the single player missions that has a UH1Y it tells me

vehicle class UH1Y no longer exists.

so any help on this would be great ..

ps. no trolls .. thanks

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Pretty sure uh1y is the model of chopper crashes.

Probably a corrupted file, try verifying your game cache.

Edited by bluecrackers

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how do i verify the game cache ?

Go to your steam library and right click Arrowhead. Click "properties". Click "local files" tab, then "verify integrity of game cache".

Do the same for Arma 2, I would.

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Go into your steam library>right click arma 2 OA>properties>local files>verify integrity of game cache

Do the same for arma.

Just re-install if non-steam.

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i just wanted to give a heads up to my little issue i had...

so i just uninstalled everything and reinstalled the game and all the patches and this time it worked!

i also wanted to say thank to everyone who helped me out on this problem.. so thank you guys ! -=)

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