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Humanity, blood and ammo reset on login

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Date/Time: For the previous 2 or 3 weeks. Most recently 26/09/12, around 22:00 GMT

What happened: Every time I log in as my Male Survivor, I spawn with zero humanity and thus a bandit skin (to the best of my memory I have never made a PvP kill the few months I've played). Also, when I log out and log back in my ammo clips refill, my blood goes back to 12,000 and any infections or problems I had are removed. The only things that stay as they were are food/ drink meters.

Today I tried to fix this by choosing a Female character upon my latest death. She has her own glitch- every time I log in, I pass out for 5 minutes. Switching back to the Male skin after dying simply invoked the same problems described above.

Where you were: Anywhere and everywhere in Chernarus

What you were doing: Generally playing DayZ, and not murdering any players

*Current installed version: Operation Arrowhead 1.62.95248 (runs via Steam), DayZ v1.7.2.6 (or most updated version on 26/09/12)

*Server(s) you were on: This happens on various servers

*Your system specs: I don't think it's a hardware problem

*Timeline of events before/after error: This has been happening non-stop for the past 2-3 weeks. Today;

I die from being player killed, as usual all day I have had the above glitches with Male skin.

I try respawning as Female skin. Have to log out for a few minutes.

Log back in, pass out for 5 minutes. Worrying I had another glitch, I log back out. This happens again a few times.

I get myself killed, respawn as Male survivor. Still have the same problem as before.

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