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*Radio Transmission* (Lone survivor looking for a buddy).

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(Static sounds) Pss... pss.... This... Pss.. damm old... pss.. machine... (Kicking sounds) .. There we go. My name is Zhunk, I've been wondering around this wasteland for too long. I'm a lone, slowly losing my sanity. I can hear them see them. They're everywhere. Im heavily armed and well geared. I just want to speak with someone, human being like me. This transmission will repeat himself every 24 hours. If there's anyone out there, please I'm losing my mind.


(Hi, I'm 17. Looking fora buddy to play with, not a group. If you want to join me on my quest contact me with a private message. Have a great day!)

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lol cool way to look for a clan I like it! Have some beans for your efforts!

If you do fancy getting involved witha team or small groups then look no further than our community @ www.bsbnetwork.com We are The BSB Network.

We do also have lots of Day Z players that play at various levels from casual to hardcore, we have several teams but also individuals that like to team up in small numbers. We also use our own Teamspeak server for comms, a couple of home servers, base camps, supplies, vehicles and considerable fire power for our community.

We are well established as been playing games as a group for over 10 years and mostly all adults over the age of 18 (well over in most cases!). We have players based in the UK and Europe but also dedicated teams from accross the US and rest of the world. We have players on at all times of the day and night (check out TS server here to see for yourself here www.bsbnetwork.com/servers ) so the're always some one on to play with!

Hope to see you in game soon!

Edited by Box

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lol cool way to look for a clan I like it! Have some beans for your efforts!

If you do fancy getting involved witha team or small groups then look no further than our community @ www.bsbnetwork.com We are The BSB Network.

We do also have lots of Day Z players that play at various levels from casual to hardcore, we have several teams but also individuals that like to team up in small numbers. We also use our own Teamspeak server for comms, a couple of home servers, base camps, supplies, vehicles and considerable fire power for our community.

We are well established as been playing games as a group for over 10 years and mostly all adults over the age of 18 (well over in most cases!). We have players based in the UK and Europe but also dedicated teams from accross the US and rest of the world. We have players on at all times of the day and night (check out TS server here to see for yourself here www.bsbnetwork.com/servers ) so the're always some one on to play with!

Hope to see you in game soon!

Looking fora buddy to play with, not a group.

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well you're prolly not gonna respond to this since you're just spamming your lil clan spiel all over the forums, buuuuut.............. im highly interested in setting up a lil 1 on 1 session with that katie box in that flash vid of yours. *hint hint*

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The guys is just doing his job, advertising his community. Which is completly fine. But again, I'm looking for a team mate. Not a group or a huge community.

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