MarKeR (DayZ) 57 Posted June 14, 2012 After having loads of problems with desync and major lag, we seem to have sorted it out now..Opened the server back up to 55 players..All cars are still spawning properly, one heli is still on the server although it is bugged :( Crashed helis are spawning properly. Time zone is UTC -8, sunrise starts around 1pm GMT, with full sun around 2pm GMT.Sunset, as far as I know is around 2am.. Never been on long enough to confirm..3rd party view is on, crosshairs are off.. No side chat, direct comms only..Server manually locked unlocked after restart for flood control purposes..Dropped into game from clicking join yesterday in less than 10 seconds..Guess I'll keep this thread as an info and help thread.Any problems at all email [email protected] or contact me via pm or on this thread..Thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MarKeR (DayZ) 57 Posted June 18, 2012 Just a quick update..Server is still running A1. No lag and virtually zero desync, and if it does, it is for less than a couple of seconds..Server is now running with everything turned off apart from 3rd party view, which will stay..We have no crosshairs, no name tags, no way points and no scroll wheel range/scan..Admin on or contactable all day and most of the night..If you wish to make a donation to help running costs. Then please head over to you will see the donation link there. If you join the forums. It will show your name as donated. If you also please put a small note in the PayPal screen stating it is for the Dayz server..Thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites