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Question to Rocket: Gun nerfing

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I once caught a survivor creeping up on me with a Winchester in one of the pubs, he didn't answer my VON calls so I flanked him and unloaded a full Makarov mag into his side from about 30m. He still had time to turn, take aim and squeeze one off (severely wounding me), but then he passed out and quickly bled out. I thought that was pretty good in terms of realism authenticity, because unlike in the movies when you get capped like that it takes a while for you to actually die unless some vital organs were hit.

But I do think that getting shot should include more side effects, i.e. you should stumble when you take a hit (or even get knocked down by the impact depending on the caliber). Also, if the standalone damage system can be tweaked to include a vital organ metric, that would be amazing! Then protective gear like kevlar vests and helmets would help protect your vitals, and firefights would be way more interesting.

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I posted an idea before about giving pistols and other weapons in general a more realistic punch, it had a lot've compliments on the idea but never hit a huge audience.

I suggest having a damage multiplication effect when being repeatedly shot. Rifles, assault or otherwise, already kill in bursts of around 5 bullets, depending on range and all that. Pistols? You can empty an entire magazine into someone and have them live, which isn't realistic at all. But we also have to give people at least some survivability and the benefit of the doubt when being shot, that not every bullet is lethal. So my suggestion is that every time you are shot within a certain span of time (from fractions of a second to maybe 2-3 seconds), every subsequent bullet impact does an ever ratcheting higher amount of damage. If you get shot once or twice at range, no real change. Instead of dying to a rifle in 6 bullets, you might die to 4-5 instead. A pistol? Instead of surviving 10 shots, you might just survive 6-7, as long as they all hit and land in a short period of time. It seems like a low impact, low cost way of doing things until a proper damage model can be calculated.

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I suggest having a damage multiplication effect when being repeatedly shot. Rifles, assault or otherwise, already kill in bursts of around 5 bullets, depending on range and all that. Pistols? You can empty an entire magazine into someone and have them live, which isn't realistic at all. But we also have to give people at least some survivability and the benefit of the doubt when being shot, that not every bullet is lethal. So my suggestion is that every time you are shot within a certain span of time (from fractions of a second to maybe 2-3 seconds), every subsequent bullet impact does an ever ratcheting higher amount of damage. If you get shot once or twice at range, no real change. Instead of dying to a rifle in 6 bullets, you might die to 4-5 instead. A pistol? Instead of surviving 10 shots, you might just survive 6-7, as long as they all hit and land in a short period of time. It seems like a low impact, low cost way of doing things until a proper damage model can be calculated.

That actually sounds like an excellent idea, I wonder what the devs think?

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There is a massive amount kinetic energy in those huge bullets

( http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=barret+50+cal+round&view=detail&id=61050D730098487C31F367243C2880960D20F6F0&first=61&FORM=IDFRIR)

This is what a 50cal does irl> beware: gruesome footage and gruesome music.


Plz delete if against the Eula etc.

Edited by bogroll

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The .50 bmg round was designed to take out engine blocks inside light armoured vehicles, I cant understand how people think its unrealistic that you can shoot down helicopters with it, thats what the round was designed to do!

If you got shot in the leg with a .50 bmg you would be dead, ether from massive bloodloss or from HYDROSTATIC SHOCK

the human body is maily water

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The .50 bmg has a ballistic impact profile larger than a human torso. Rips things in half that are soft

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There is a massive amount kinetic energy in those huge bullets

( http://www.bing.com/...=61&FORM=IDFRIR)

This is what a 50cal does irl> beware: gruesome footage and gruesome music.


Plz delete if against the Eula etc.

Lol bing.

Interesting footage though. I have had a friend tell me about the damage a .50 bmg round does to the human body and, well, that kind of confirms it.

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Yeah its real nasty, the reason the bodys fly is becouse of the hydrostatic shock, the bodys expands like a ballon for some mils of second throwing them up in the air, this round takes out a light tank or APC

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The small and light but fast rounds like 5.56 STANAG and 5.45 AK ammo also tend to cause hydrostatic shock and therefore are not as weak as the DayZ damage table suggests. Their real weakness is the lack of penetration power relating to obstacles like windscreens, walls, brushes or even grass. Bullet hits grass and will go anywhere but where it is supposed to. Just lowering damage therefore is a lazy and imo wrong way of modeling that.

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Two words - Borderlands 2.

I have to admit that what little game time I have has been going to BL2 (assuming a friend of mine isn't logged into DayZ and needing a teammate).

I do still read the forums though, and very much look forward to whatever updates are posted.

Threads like this make me happy.

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What? Sniping is a skill and a 7.62 round would kill most people in 1 shot.

Do you play on noob servers with names and crosshairs or something? Because they completely ruin the weapon balance.

Ever tried to range find using the mildots? That's a skill, especially when you have to do it on a moving target.

I'm not talking about noob sniping either, proper squad vs squad fire fights

Yeah, sniping in any online game, ever, is always easy as shit. I have done it in Arma, Arma II, the whole battlefield series, vietcong, jesus there is a reason snipers are hated in most games. Because in reality I'm sure sniping would be much harder then it is in game. I mean I've never been a sniper IRL but I have done more than my fair share of hunting everything from bird to deer and bear up here in Canada. I always laugh at people getting hardcore over simple sniping in a video game.

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Yes, that weapon nerf is stupid.

Zombies need 4 shoots, and players like 12? How is that realistic? You could kill a guy earlier in BF3, and Arma was supposed to be realistic!

IMO They should just buff weapons and increase Zombie health. Zombies can run as fast as a perfectly healthy Survivor anyway, so why do they have so little health?

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They need to totally redo the zeds in my opinion. Right now almost everything is weird about them. Spawning, movement, damage...but that will take some time and effort to do and probably just can't be done for the mod. So patience there please!

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