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Started to be a bandit again, I tried earlier but got killed now I have 2 murders and counting with NVG's, M4 SD, M1911, and a Coyote Backpack. (Yes i did get all of this from a player I killed), What is a good place to hunt players other than Cherno or Elektro. I prefer staying away from the coast since that gets me killed.

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From my former bandit days: Stary Sobor is decent, but is dangerous because thermal optics are much more common and effective up north. NWAF is an obvious one, you can even loot the barracks for some gear. Heli crash sites can also be sat on, mid-tier geared players will try to get their loot from them, killing them while they deal with the Zeds, or are moving slowly while trying to crawl past them is simple.

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Yeah good idea now i just need a sniper rifle preferably the dmr so i can use nvgs while sniping

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Got teleported by a hacker to elektro survived but died later on now i have an as50 and a m4 cco as well as rangefinders

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