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Would anyone mind giving me a blood transfusion?

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Well I foolishly fired my weapon at the Northwest Airfield and was soon swamped by a massive hoard on the roof of the Radio Tower. I barely escaped and am now sitting just below 3,000 blood. I have a blood bag, I just need a kind soul to meet me and give me the transfusion. I can meet you anywhere near the Airfield. I'd really appreciate the help. Thanks.


It would be especially awesome if you didn't shoot me in the face before or afterwards. :)

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Im at the airfield and i'd be gladly to give you blood transfusion but I got an hr anf half till im off work. LOL

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Im at the airfield and i'd be gladly to give you blood transfusion but I got an hr anf half till im off work. LOL

That's no problem. Just send me a message on here when you get on (if you plan on playing tonight), and we can meet up. I would really appreciate it. I don't really have anything good to offer, but I would be happy to tag along with you on some town raids or return the favor one day, should you ever need it!

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Yeah I planned on playing tonight when I get home from work. LOL Its up to you if you want to tag along, its already fun enough having 2 ghillie suit snipers with a freelancing medic. XD

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Yeah I planned on playing tonight when I get home from work. LOL Its up to you if you want to tag along, its already fun enough having 2 ghillie suit snipers with a freelancing medic. XD

Lol, nice. Well just let me know which server to join when you get on. Again, I really appreciate it.

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Okay will do, i'll send you a PM in about roughly an hr 15mins and we'll go from there. ^_^ I can also spare some medical supplies if also neccessary.

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if he can't do it, let me know. i'm south of Stary, but wouldn't take too long to get there. And I promise not to shoot you in the face or anywhere else for that matter

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If zombies are chasing you then just hug a pine tree and your all good. C:

you can never go wrong by hugging a tree

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I love the vibe in here..

If you still haven't been seen to, I can make my way to you and help you with the next half hour or so..

I miss when this was a nightly thing for me.. ;)

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Thanks a lot Recon, I needed that! Sorry I was a pain in the ass to find, lol. And thanks to everyone else who offered to help as well, much appreciated. Happy hunting everyone!

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