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I guess I'm just that lucky...

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So, a couple of dayz (pun intended) ago, I lost all my tents in a server restart.

So, yesterday I started again by killing myself, and only going on high-population servers. I die like 3 times in Cherno, but manage to get all my gear back each time (an M9SD, and a m14 AIM). Then I find 2 tents, and an alice backpack with lots of medical and food supplies.

Then I ran for the hills, and didn't look back until I reached some far north-west area (will not give exact locations) where my old base used to be. I set up camp there again.

Then, I noticed the server I was on, only had around 10 players online anymore, so I decided to change server. Got on a server with about 25 people (the highest one I could find with the filter I'm using), and look at that! A HUGE camp. I pretty much have everything in the game now... So... yeah.

If it hadn't been for that server restart where I lost all my stuff, I wouldn't have found this :)

And I don't feel sorry for robbing this camp, since this camp had items which were not in DayZ, so think they might have been hackers, or got items from hackers (or "script-kiddies", if you will). The hacked items were left on the ground in the forest, and will probably BeGone (awesome free fps game, click the link) before anyone find it.

Non-hacked items which I didn't want/didn't have space for, I left in the tents. That they may keep, I'm not an complete a$$hole

Going to bed now, good night :)

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wow i got a cool camp story so a few nights ago i run up north east to make camp and i do. The next morning when i log in there is a 25 tent camp hardly 200m away from my hidden camp. I was playing on a clan server so i guess the clan didnt see my little camp when they made theirs, so i took pretty much every item in the game and moved my camp to a new sever

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I gather all my resources in a single life by visiting each town, and I only steal items from my enemies.


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and look at that! A HUGE camp is there a pic i'm not seeing

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