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DayZ, Runs on pretty cr***y pc

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I have been playing DayZ for 1 week now.

I am running it on my "super" pc


amd athlon II x2 250, Dual core 2,9 ghz.

ati radeon 3000, Integrated, Roflmao =D

4gb ram...

ofc low graphics, some may be high, field of view can be pretty high =)

So you dont need a new 1000 dollar pc to play this =)

See you in DayZ, Even tho you wont see me, Coz you are dead...

Regarding WizAusch

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I'm running on a pc from 2004, come at me.

And don't worry about me seeing you. Just like 80% of the playerbase, I own an AS50 AWS.

Edited by Hydra

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Nice to know as I've just built a basic machine for a mate to play Dayz with, looking at your specs the system I built should be fine.

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And don't worry about me seeing you. Just like 80% of the playerbase, I own an AS50 AWS.

AS50 AWS??? you sure you don't mean a TWS coz if it's an AWS I wanna see it.

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Yeah, I also play on AMD Athlon x2 250 3.0ghz and Nvidia 9500 GT Geforce.

I've never had any problems. I usually run on 20fps though.

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View distance is set by the server, it doesn't matter what you set it to. xD

Glad to hear you're enjoying the game, even on an older machine, though!

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I was getting ~30 fps with onboard graphics from a Wal-mart PC with the in-game settings on "high" (minus Post processing). Just a run of the mill Acer with quad-core AMD and integrated AMD Radeon HD 6530D. I've since upgraded it a little with a Radeon 7750 and more ram. Doesn't take as much of a PC to play as most people think. I'm actually recording in 720p and still 35-40 fps.

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Intergrated graphic card? Hd3000? R u sure it is playable??

Yes i can play it, sometimes fps drops bit too low, dont know why, 1-3 times a day my fps drops for few secs.

I was suprised myself when i started playing that my pc can run this =D

And everyone has own opinion about "playable", i dont need 60 fps to play, i can easily play with 20-30 =)

Edited by WizAusch
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Intergrated graphic card? Hd3000? R u sure it is playable??

It's not integrated GFX, it's just so old that the industry made a whole circle due to naming of their HW XD. No offence OP, I hope you get uber PC soon and get to enjoy all em nice pixels. Good sound and nice GFX makes the game a lot more enjoyable.

If you ever decide to build your own, make sure to PM me or ask in thread and I'll gladly help ya picking up compatible parts and stuff ;)

Edited by Colonel-Wicked

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I m intendin to buy a ati hd6850 for my desktop... However i can only play on my laptop for the time being firs, here are my specs :

I5 ivy bridge 2.5-3.3ghz

Nvidia geforce gt610m 2gb ddr3 + intel hd 4000 graphics

12gb kingston ram 1600mhz

I m rlly hopin to jus play on lowest settings which is playable! :P thanksss

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I m intendin to buy a ati hd6850 for my desktop... However i can only play on my laptop for the time being firs, here are my specs :

I5 ivy bridge 2.5-3.3ghz

Nvidia geforce gt610m 2gb ddr3 + intel hd 4000 graphics

12gb kingston ram 1600mhz

I m rlly hopin to jus play on lowest settings which is playable! :P thanksss

I play on high with less than that. You'll be fine!

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I play on high with less than that. You'll be fine!

What is ur laptop specs den? Wad ur gpu name? Thanks! :P

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