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going 2 give up soon :(

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ok i have had this game about a week now and been able 2 play it for about five mins every time i join a game i get like 10000 ping or i get on loading screen and then game stops working and crashes my comp i have unistalled about 25 times tryed 2 run with six and commander tryed 2 run from just amar but still nothing so can any1 say a fix that works . plz

Edited by flashgear90

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yeah I don't have any issues, once and a while my game will not load if I was kicked out and I close it out and open it up again and I'm fine. If your using wireless and the signal drops in and out so will your game. Like Byrd said what are the specs of your computer if its really old you might not be able to handle it other wise the game should play fine. You could also try turning down your graphics settings at the main menu.

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i have a pentium 4 3.00ghz 2.5 gig ram running a ati radeon hd 4550 1gb grapthics card and my internet is virgin media fiber optic i can run solo missions and normal mulitplayer games fine it just dayz

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Hey download day z commander it makes your life very easy.. All you do to make sure you have the right files installed and the right version is click the install button and click update...it is so easy. Not to mention it will tell you what version the server is using and you can downgrade ease if the server your trying to get on isn't the one you have loaded. For the ping issue you making sure your getting on a US server if your playing in the US (sometimes you can get on other servers but try to stay in the US your ping will be better) The logging in issue stuck at loading sometimes is caused by having the wrong version of Day z or arma installed. Just get commander it will make your life so much easyer. hope this helps

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i have a pentium 4 3.00ghz 2.5 gig ram running a ati radeon hd 4550 1gb grapthics card and my internet is virgin media fiber optic i can run solo missions and normal mulitplayer games fine it just dayz

I'm surprised you can actually run it at all. Upgrade is really due OP.

Meanwhile - lower every settings in game if you havent already, and see if distance drawing at 800m does any better. Also clear your HDD & PC of junk with - http://www.filehippo.com/download_ccleaner and try also this - http://www.iobit.com/gamebooster.html. After you have done cleaning you HDD, deffrag your HDD - http://www.auslogics.com/en/software/disk-defrag/download/.

I'd not expect magical performance gains but it should hopefuly crash less / run bit better.

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Hmm, Pentium 4 were produced from 2000 - 2008 so your PC is minimum 4 years old. Anyways - minimum requirement is dual core CPU, you have a single core. In other words, your PC isn't supposed to be able to run the game.

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