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Need satchel charges - Tell me what you need!

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Looking for 1 or more satchel charges. Cannot ever seem to find any at the usual spots.. Let me know what you need and I'll tell you if I have it.

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Looking for 1 or more satchel charges. Cannot ever seem to find any at the usual spots.. Let me know what you need and I'll tell you if I have it.


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Don't have m240. I have a m249 with a few clips if your interested?

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Negatory there, big shooter. I'll trade for Bear Traps and RGOs if you've got them, maybe fortification items depending on how many you offer.

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I have 2 RGO's, No bear traps or fencing items, Sorry.

I don't suppose you're above charity?

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I have no problem with charity. I have to go out for a few hours but will be back on later.

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I have 2 tents. I'll need at least 4 satchels for them.

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Hi(: I have 4 satchel charges, I'm looking for an m24 if possible? Skype: theoctaneeffect

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Sorry bud, That's about the only weapon I haven't been able to find. How bout an SVD camo with 6 mags?

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Don't have either. I have a AS50 or M249 with mags for both.

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I know of a place where you can get three if you're up to it, it's risky, but again, three satchel charges, and even information has a price. I have two on me right now, I'm willing to trade for a PDW or something silenced.

Edited by UnunseptiumAD

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I have no problem with risk. I have 2 m4a1 holo sd's. and a few silenced pistols.

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No PDW, I've been looking for one for ages now. If not, if you have spare STANAG SDs I'll trade for those, given that I have a M4A1 SD.

Edited by UnunseptiumAD

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