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Carbon (DayZ)

To the squad of 5 on US 1381

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doubt you looted them, not a very hard fight especially with the guns you have and the spot there at, no one cares about your stupid kills on people who want to die...

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Your gun versus there unarmedness, good work now go and kill someone who is firing back at you using a gun in the same class and then gloat about it. This is just pitiful, you make me want to spit on your thermal vision.

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Pics don't work for me but after the comments not sure if I'm bothered.

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The crying is strong in this one.

Not sure where the "unarmedness" comes from... I clearly see guns in their hands and over their shoulders.

Not sure why it isn't a good fight. There's at least 3 people with guns visible in the pic. ALL of them staring in the same direction. That ladies and gentlemen is fail btw. He saw them first and killed them. It's what I would have done.

This is a survival game, get over it not being "fair".... "You have better guns", "You're in a better spot"... boo fu**ing hoo.

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