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Man vs Wild

haha lets see how long i can survive! [TRADE!!] Need mountain dew

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I need as much dew as possible I have a couple satchel charges for trade!

The only reason I am doing this is because I want to see how many dews I can get before GREEN MOUNTAIN personally walks over and kicks me in the nuts!

PM me any offers!

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the one and only time i found a mountain dew was when i was a noob(WAS??), so i didnt have a clue that its rare and drunk it! I guess thats what made me suffer horrible things later on! None found since, so sorry that i cant help you out, but i would like to watch when Green Mountain comes arround to get you!!!

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A little off the point, but this reminded me of it. Was out in the bush IRL for work, miles away from anywhere and about a kilometre from the road the other day when I encountered an almost pristine (Though empty) can of dew... All the tests I did i the area FAILED!!!

Now, to the topic... One of my Lingor survivors has two, but the only server I was able to use said survivor has vanished *ka-poof*.... dont remember what it was called, but I'm sure it was a US one... Will try different servers and see if i cant get that survivor back.

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I have 2 dews I will give you for 2 satchel charges.. Let me know where you want me to leave them. I don't want those cursed drinks anymore..

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Man screw the Dew. I was riding high a few days ago. Had all the gear and extras and then I suffered only my second kill by a player (Josh, hope you read this) and that started a spiral. Since then I have lost through death or tent vanishes 2 M4s, 2 Bizons, AS 50, M107, DMR, M24, FN Fal, L85 AWS, TWO and a half old Bikes, 3 NVGs, 2 range finders, 3 M9SD, 4 GHillies, several Coyote packs, a bunch of tents and shit tons of ammo.

I just hope my curse is over now.

Edited by DevilDog

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