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Looking for friends to play with/start a clan

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Looking for friends to play with/start a clan

Must have a mic be decent at the game and be mature.

Add me on skype: supernerdyharry

Steam: HexicNova

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What do you like to do in DayZ:

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IGN:wont tell sorry secerity reasons to keep my clan safe

Age: 16

Play-style:Sniper leader bandit

Skype name: colin roberts

Steam: colinkill90s

I play with my clan do a little sniping. I would like you to join us so look at my post or txt me at 8598037765

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IGN: WaddlesMcSqueezy

Age: 13

Play-style: Run around and try to find maps and decent weapons and I try to find people to run around with but they always happen to want to kill people.

Skype Name: totodomination7

Steam Name: k1ll3rkan1n3

What do you like to do in DayZ: try to make friends, avoid bandits I have only gotten to cherno twice, never been to elektro. Im a bit of a noob, not horrible though thats for sure. If im not on skype or here my number is 5129093914.

Edited by McSquishy

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IGN: Stobbsy

Age: 16

Play-style: Sneaking around zombies and bandits

Skype Name:Stobbsy45

Steam Name: LargeSodaItIs

What do you like to do in DayZ: I like to explore as much as i can and my main goal atm is to get a car or van but i like to have a laugh aswell

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IGN: gingerveteren

Age: 19

Play-style: i like to snipe. Sniping is where its at :)

Skype Name: danwalker027

Steam Name: gingerveteren

What do you like to do in DayZ: I like to snipe, pop some heads, communicate properly and most importantly, eat dem beanzzz !

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IGN: Cuthwulf

Age: 18

Play-style: CQB

Skype Name: stan-von-maz

Steam Name: randomstrangeguy

What do you like to do in DayZ: Scavenge, survive, and otherwise immerse into this world of zombie survival. I also love the team-based aspect of this game, as it opens a role-playing element.

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