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Airman (DayZ)

Any Tips For Finding Vehicles?

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I play DayZ with a friend regularly, and we are keen to make ourselves a camp with a few vehicles and start helping people. Any suggestions on how to go about this? Specifically suggestions for vehicles, almost every server we go to has no more vehicles since the larger clans have taken them. We found some on NZ 22, but that entire server has been hacked. How do you guys go about finding them, and when you do how long does it take you to get them up and running?

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People hoarding vehicles is why I love this game.

We find their camp(s) and take the good vehicles (4WD, military UAZ or any of the trucks), remove all the ammunition from their tents, save them. Blow up all the other vehicles and save them too. Then drive the vehicles back to our nearest camp that's on another server and log out.

Welcome to Chernarus, fuckers.

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Apart from checking known spawn locations its pretty much just about keeping your eyes peeled and being lucky. People will hide them in very obscure locations, even off the map. I've been running a reasonably populated server for about 12 weeks and since dropped all our bases still belong to us.

I guess people often balance convenience with safety when stashing stuff. I go for safety, 'cuz I'm a pussy.

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We've found 3 vehicles before, 2 jeeps (LAV's or something) and a boat. I was stupid enough to roll the first car on the Elektro traintracks, the boat we found was in the middle of the docks with no fuel so it was pretty much useless, and I lost us the 3rd car when I made the mistake of trying to ram a hacker. Guess its time for a treck to see what can be found!

Edited by Airman721

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I'm also searching for cars or, even better, a heli for 2 weeks in a row now.

No luck, but I recently I started searching the very north of the map for camps.

It's quite successful. It takes s 60 to 70 minutes straight walk from the left edge to the right, most of the times you will find stuff.

Also try to make a search pattern with friends, so chances of finding vehicles and tens will increase.

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I found 2 vehicles (an ATV and a tractor) up from Black Lake (near Berezino) in a ditch, you could look there!

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I found 2 vehicles (an ATV and a tractor) up from Black Lake (near Berezino) in a ditch, you could look there!

Wut? That had to of been where someone left them, or something. I've never seen an ATV next to a tractor.

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I found a UAZ beside a Tractor west of gorka, it was odd. and I have heard that the north portion of the map is particularly lucrative for finding camps/vehicles, but I have had no luck there myself my brother found a Offroad pickup north of black lake also, seems a popular spot. Was wondering if anyone knew how many vehicles actually spawn on a server since the dayz wiki seems to have different stats on different pages, on the summary chart, it says 1 per server for most (rare) vehicles ie. UAZ, GAZ,Ural Civillian, Military Offroad etc but on the individual vehicle page, it says 2-3 per server for some of them, and on another page, yet again I read it can be a random assortment of 11 vehicles on the basic non private/ modified servers other than the bicycles but that seems low, so I'm at a loss. None of the information seems really up to date but its hard to tell which is newest :S anyone that can clear it up for it would be much appreciated. I have also heard that vehicles can/do respawn 24h after they have been destroyed and 7 days if not interacted with or if the person who saved them dies, I could be wrong if anyone can correct/verify any of this would be great.

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Wut? That had to of been where someone left them, or something. I've never seen an ATV next to a tractor.

Exactly, and I've heard someone else putting their vehicles there, so maybe it's worth looking there haha.

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Just found a bandit camp with my friend, bandit shot my friend but I managed to shoot the bandit. Unfortunately no vehicles but he had 2 M4A1 Holo SD's on him. I know the M4A1 HOLO is legal, but what about the SD? I REALLY hope it is cus its a very nice gun :)

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Go to "Pobeda dam" always somthing there or at "black mountain". And if you see vehicles riding at same spot over several days it's a good indication a camp is nearby / or in a general direction of the map

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