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What tool is this?

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"Funny video but what tool hack is this?"

Fixed that for you ... fortunately the pun works here.

I see what you did there. >.>

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For me using this kind of Admin tools is a Hack and abuse of things an Admin can do. It can be used in so many bad ways to get an advantage...

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I'm running it on a private server, when it's fully launched and setup I will be using this along with a bunch of other tools to find cheaters and dupers. I don't need to use it as an advantage, that'd ruin the point of the server rules I'm enforcing.

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I'm running it on a private server, when it's fully launched and setup I will be using this along with a bunch of other tools to find cheaters and dupers. I don't need to use it as an advantage, that'd ruin the point of the server rules I'm enforcing.

Sure i understand the point (it was no offense against you anyways just the tools as it is), but you can just Spectate Camps,hidden cars,Players moving in Firefights against your group, giving away player coordinates to get them killed etc.

Edited by Paddy0610
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Spectator mode is nothing new, lots of other TPS & FPS titles have the functionality. Only in the cynical world of DayZ where players assume server administration tools equate to admin abuse. For every server that an admin abuses his powers there are ten more that do not, if you suspect something then report it and move along to another server where the potential abuser cannot effect you.

FYI, private hive administrators already have tools that "can be used in so many bad ways to get an advantage" yet the Earth continues to spin and players continue to populate private-hive servers. :thumbsup:

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This kind of tool is as bad as hacks, just because some admins can be trusted doesn't mean this kind of tool should be available because we all know there are way too many people who cannot be trusted.

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It's only usable on private hives so stick to public ones if you're worried about admin abuse. Seems to me as there's a lot less admin abuse on private hives than public though but that's just an opinion.

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