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Admin abuse on Dallas 1

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you were asked nicely 3 times to remove the AG from your name, you refused.

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Wesleym1993, we aren't trying to impersonate your clan. We've had this tag in multiple games for over 3 years now. It is again an unwarranted kick. Stop abusing your admin powers.

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Alright so just to be clear it's ok to blatantly break the rules that are laid out for ALL servers? It seemed like those rules were very strict and didn't allow bending when I asked.

I'm just curious at this point and would like to mention this server also locks and has a password at times which is also against the rules. Is that an ok rule to break as well?

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The Server has no password and if you read it auto locks about every 5 mins and then unlocks about 5 mins later to prevent Flooding.

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Please explain to me how that prevents flooding. I'd really like to know.

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If say 20 people are connecting at once and server gets locked, 0 are connecting. That's how. We aren't going to remove the flood protocol as its not against the DayZ dev rules

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Umm you know how people spam connect to join the server and how the log gets filled with

So and So Connected

So and So Uses Modified Data File

So and So Disconnected

It Prevents that flooding ...

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I told the whole server that we weren't apart of their clan and they kicked me once again.



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Ok, so you can't flood a server in a 5 minute interval correct? I've been in administration for years and it just doesn't work that way. Dropping traffic for a 5 minute interval isn't going to stop a real flood.

The rules say nothing about having a 5 minute lock. It says no locking servers. Period.

That's like speeding and going 80 in a 45. Sure officer I know it was illegal to speed constantly, but I only sped for a 15 seconds...

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I believe a dev stated some servers lock them for performance and other things which were Allowed but I can't confirm. I will however try to look for said post.

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I believe the locking the servers refers to locking it to only certain people (aka private server) as this is the not the case as anyone can access it when it opens and its not password protected as you stated earlier.

Honestly its just ridiculous to the point of you trying to twist everything to as something is being done wrong when clearly it is not.

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I changed my tag and I am still getting kicked.

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I have nothing to do with this entire situation, but I've been reading it out of curiosity and I'm gonna wedge this in: whether or not some of their administrators are abusing their powers (while the evidence does lead me to believe that somebody with some authority should investigate these claims), you are absolutely harassing them now. I get it, you're frustrated; you think they've done something wrong and nobody's gonna help you, so why not screw with 'em yourself? The problem is that, when we can all see you blatantly being immature and rude about the situation, you are discredited, and your argument is weakened. Not theirs.

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I was kicked soon after. These guys don't care about the rules on hosting a DayZ server.



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The developers can deal with it if they want, otherwise you're harassing and provoking the Dallas 1 Server. Sir.

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