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Missing 'Chernarus'

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So that's literally the only thing left to fix before I can start playing, any idea how to fix it or where to download it? Been told it's the map that DayZ is played on but I have no idea where to get it.

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As far as I understand, Chernarus is a map that is part of the original ARMA II piece. In short, you need ARMA II, and Operation Arrowhead installed, running OA as "Combined Operations" with the proper mod install.

*Disclaimer: It's late, and I could be wrong.

Would be helpful if you walked through your installation steps.

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I followed a video on youtube, apparently I just need to reinstall ArmA II which is what I'm doing now, at 35% so far at 6.8mb/s so I'll let you guys know what happens when it's done.

I heard it's just some file corruption or something, should fix it I guess.

I was being pretty dumb, I was running ArmA II: OA instead of Combined Op which was causing it to error the chernarus thing sinceeee it wasn't checking the original ArmA II files I guess.

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If you're using spirited machine's launcher you can force load Chernarus through world selection in launch options.


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i had that problem to and am still have the creating character problem, but i fixed the chernarus problem by pasting the arma 2 addons folder in the OA folder

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