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Bad Version, Server Rejected Connection

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This has probably been asked and answered before, but I have searched the forums and found no fix.

FIXED: Select both steam boxes on Dayz Commander

I start my game using DayZ Commander, set to launch through Steam. All versions are up to date.

I am able to join any server with a beta patch older than mine, but joining any server using the most recent (one I have installed) will kick me before I get to the lobby for the above reason..

Any help? Multiple people have the same problem.

Things I have tried:

Reinstalling Dayz

Reinstalling Arma2 and Arma2 OA

Reinstalling most recent beta patch

Thanks, -Elliott

Edited by Elliott564

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Weird. Try going to " Settings " in DayZ Commander and clicking " Launch DayZ now " What does it say above DayZ in the bottom right hand corner?

Also, do you have the " Replace Original Arma2OA files with Beta so Steam works " box ticked?

Edited by piemanpm
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Weird. Try going to " Settings " in DayZ Commander and clicking " Launch DayZ now " What does it say above DayZ in the bottom right hand corner?

Also, do you have the " Replace Original Arma2OA files with Beta so Steam works " box ticked?

THANK YOU! Have all my beans plus my Enfield ;D

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