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Recruiting people for our group. (Requirements in topic)

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hi guys, my name is Ted. i am looking for people to join my group, and so far i have a few people under me.

just meet the requirements, and then fill out the long ass application that is unneeded(not really).

  • Played at least two weeks of DayZ
  • Geared up and healthy
  • Not in a jam(in the middle of nowhere, broken leg, etc.)
  • At least 15 or older
  • In the USA, unless you have no problems connecting to a US server.
  • Speak full English, and an easy-to-understand accent.

speak to me here, then we can continue further on Skype and/or Steam!

Skype: honeyballskDS

Steam: #kDS

Edited by imnotabandit

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-I play dayz for 4 months

-I have a DMR and an M14

-Im in Stary Sobor

-Im 15

-I speak full english

My Skype username is mellaister

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Have played since release,

M24 and L85 currently.

I'm at NW Airfield, where I usually chill at.

I'm 19.

Live in texas, and my skype is virginityx

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