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Looking to make a serious DayZ clan/team

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I am looking to make a completely serious DayZ clan/team. I don't mean being absoltuely serious all the time, but when it comes to raiding somewhere popular (NW Airfiled, Stary Sobor, Electro) I want everyone to be serious. Not sure what we will call ourselves, but we can think of a name when we have enough people.

I am looking for people that are not afraid to play in high populated servers, even with hackers (f***ing hate them all), and know what they are doing. And for people that are willing to play for long periods of time.

Me and a couple friends that I played with before had an amazing camp. We had 6 tents, packed to the brim with RARE weapons. We had 4 vehicles, and 5 medic tents. Tools to spare, and more. Then a hacker comes along and think he is all cool. I don't think I need to say what happens.

I myself have a Youtube channel that I use and try my best to upload regularly (haven't been doing much lately, been busy). I have 365 subscribers and going up little by little. Here is my channel: http://www.youtube.com/SanctionedCinema . There you can see that I already have some DayZ videos uploaded.

If you would like to join please send me a Contact Request over Skype. Skype name is: stevenjarboe (multiple accounts, just choose the one that says SanctionedCinema).

Thanks for reading. Can't wait to get some responses!

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I Already have a camp and a 4 door car with plenty of fuel (Last time i checked) And some good supplies and an extra AK Red dot.

I guess thats a quick start if you let me in,but i am fairly new and havent had many player encounters.

I'm sure i can hold my own in a firefight though, i look forward to being in a clan

I have a mic and im East Coast US time zoned

Edited by That Bush

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For people asking for my timezone and age. I am 16 and my timezone is GMT -5.

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Hey man my clan is currently accepting members for our LoH legion. Add me on steam for our TS info steam id is mvp4kobe

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