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Intermediate bandit looking for clan.

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I got bored with trying to be the 'nice guy', running around with meds and food waving the white flag to anyone I saw only to get a bullet to the face when I turned to leave

What I'm looking for is a mature, only bandit clan, very organized with teamspeak or something along those lines. Preferably with vehicles, a large stash of loot, all that jazz. A private server would be icing on the cake. Currently I'm armed to the teeth, NVGs, Rangefinder, AS50, M9 SD, and an M4A1 CCO SD. Only thing missing is a Coyote backpack.

Here's the kicker, I'm not going to set up a meeting with any idiot who comes in here. Took me a hell of a long time to get all this gear, I'm not going to hand it out to someone pretending to have an awesome clan. A website, something, I don't care, would be great. Either post here or PM me.

Forgot to mention: I'm from North America.

Edited by Marformation

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Look at our group mate @ www.bsbnetwork.com

We have dedicated fire teams if you want to play hardcore, a weekly bandit vs fire teams tournament, casual or hardcore play styles, our own TS3 server for comms, several home servers for our bases, camps and vehicles and over 200 registered DayZ players. We have people on at allt imes of the day and night, so check out our website for details. No commitment or requirements other than fair play and common sense!

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