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Server abandoned, will tents be there next time?

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So I made a camp a few months ago in this server.

Now, said server's host abandoned the server, and it's now dead. :|

However, a new host seems to have taken over the server.

My question is, would my tents still be there? Would their contents be gone? Is it completely gone?

Side question:

Is there a way to fix the DayZ UI?

If I pick the debug screen, it shows max health conditions for everything(green), but once I switch to default, I get my regular conditions back again. Obviously, the DayZ UI is bugged, so is this something wrong with my current DayZ version, or will this be addressed in the next patch?

Thank you.

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The hyve should sync the tent right back to your instance ID (which didnt change). ( if im not mistaken )

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Tents only will be there if he keeps his Instance ID , if not then the only thing to say is - They are all gone.

The Debug Monitor is Bugged, as Rocket said - Deal with it ^^

Edited by Paddy0610
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