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Looking for a clan to join/merge with.

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I've been playing Dayz for about 3 months. Im looking for a semi decent group to play with and have a bit of fun, been running a clan for the last two months but lately it's became inactive, only two of us still play regularly. I've got my own server, ts and website (www.beancanteen.org). I'd prefer to play with Eu players 18+ as my ping is normally too high to play on the us ones let me know if interested


Edited by Ghost_Eire

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Hi Ghost_Eire,

I'd be interested in coming to an arrangement regarding merging (or simply playing together) at some point. All our group members are from the UK and mature, we have multiple DayZ servers, a TeamSpeak server and a pretty stable group of players. If you're interested send a join request @ joinpgn.tk (just so I can get some details together), join our TeamSpeak when you feel like it (I'm going off for now, will be on tomorrow), add me on Steam and join our Steam group

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hL. Is looking for international clan members - ranging any where from single players to entire private squads. If either of you are interested, contact me.



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LoH has EU and NA dayz players and we are also getting our own dedi box by the eend of the week. Steam me at mvp4kobe for more info about our TS

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