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AS50 Sniper In DayZ Getting Flanked

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I was playing with 2 of my clan members part of team kaos. While me and my partner looted the office building my other friend got shot at w/ a AS50 he heard the shot come from small sniper hill. We decided to all flank him and i cause a mini-distraction by shooting around like a madman so i could get his attention while my 2 buddies flanked him.


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scumbag hackers! How is this game fun if you hack and remove any sense of loss from dying? So lame.

Nice job though. that chick was cracking me up because she kept insisting that your buddy killed her, and it turned out to be the douche hacker

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scumbag hackers! How is this game fun if you hack and remove any sense of loss from dying? So lame.

Nice job though. that chick was cracking me up because she kept insisting that your buddy killed her, and it turned out to be the douche hacker

Lmao, His actually a guy....lmao xD

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