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Help installing DayZ server from scratch with TCAdmin

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Ok... Well here is my situation. I OWN a machine that I have colocated/hosted with a game server provider. I rent their space and lease a TCAdmin license from them. Since they also allow me to run ranked games such as BF3 on my machine on their network and software...They do not allow me to have root/remote desktop access.

I have full access to install almost any game I want via TCAdmin... and access their FTP directories along with other advanced configuration options. DayZ is not supported or added to TCAdmin however, so I have to figure out a way to install the mod manually. The control panel allows me to install ArmA II and ArmA II OA, but not together as Combined Operations...which is needed to proceed with a DayZ server, correct?

Anyway..before I exchange a million support tickets with my host...does anyone have any tips/help?

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  On 9/22/2012 at 2:56 PM, Omaran said:

What GSP are you with? I colocate as well but my GSP sorted the TCA install


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Never mind! Support answered my question. Didnt realize installing combined operations was an option to install as a mod...

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Do you know if FragNet still allows this? I have been looking for GSP that would let me use my colocated machine for ranked games. Do you colocate with colocrossing? I think Fragnet deals with them.

Edited by marrr

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