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GB #500. SUKA Server Hackers.

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I was also in this server, and got hacked by same people, never mind proof!!

Spawned in front of us and killed us all..

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Same shit, different day....on public you have no chance of getting any action taken unless you get vid evidence or log proof, even then you'll be lucky if they bother to add them to the ban list that they can now buy their way out of.

Sad thing is so many peaple enjoy this game even in it's Alpha stage and yet so many peaple hack. The hackers do spoil the game true, but all the time they do all they are doing is giving Battleye or whatever party the details of how they are exploiting the code, so while its in Alpha/Beta this hacker activity is crucial to future Anti-cheat programs that will be run in the final product.

We are part of a test to see what the future faces for this game, and as crap as it is that we get hacked, its part of the plan, after all, you cant counteract what you do not expect and that is why we play this mod.

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