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New weapon: fist / open hand

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What: an item in everyone's inventory, the fist, or open hand.

Effect: It does nothing, nothing at all.

Why: allows you to holster weapons, and put an ineffective item in your hand.

Purpose: to present yourself as passive, unarmed, and ready to parley.

How: create a hand model that you equip from inventory. It does no damage, has no range. Does nothing at all. Maybe, if you right/left click, it waves, or gives a thumbs-up.

Negative: it takes an inventory spot. Might be confusing to new players.

I've read comments about the desire to have the ability to holster weapons to allow for graphic evidence of "friendly". Put a fist in your hand, walk on over here and trade, and walk away. Grab a gun, we shoot you.

Actually, a left click = thumbs up, right click = thumbs down, middle click waves could be interesting.

Of course you can betray the "friend" later, when they turn their back. Or later, when everyone feels secure and weapons are allowed to be carried in hand.

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