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DE ????

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This is going to be a long story, prepare yourself ^^

Me and a friend where playing on a German server, because our (new) home server was on night and we both just died, and where a huge distance apart.. as we both enter elektra, we decided to meet at the church. I was allready inside, camping the door and he had to come. as I wait, I hear something from the west.. I tell him to be carefully and right as the words pass my lips, I see a camo-guy on a quad.. my friend panics and shoots him from the quad. both very confused, wether to be happy with the quad, or sad with the kill, we decide to loot the guy and take off with the quad. but right as he jumps on the quad when I was about to quick-loot him, we both get shot. he dies immediately, but I go KO. so when my timer is about half, the killer shows up, and starts looting his presumable friend, my friend and tries to loot me. he then picks me up, draws me to some corner, and shoots me together with some Z's. As we both respawn, we are close to elektra, so we go back. my friend spots the quad, but also a small red car. he takes the car, and drives to me. right as he stops, he gets killed again (pray-shot with SVD camo). the killer turns out to be the same guy, with the same equipment. He gives me a bullet to the knee and tells me not to shoot him again or he will kill me. acting like a total noob, is ask him why I cannot walk. he gives me a bandage and morphine, and I step in the back. he drives me back to the church, where he kills me again with the message "fuck you".

that was the "introduction". now the strange part comes..

as I'm respawning at the airstrip, I take a sprint for the hangars. I enter the first from the east (far-most of the ATV-tower), and find nothing. Then I enter the second one, and I spot 3 ppl in a row.. same gear, same weapons, same look. At this point I still believed it where players, so with VoIP on, I make my way to them. they do not react in any way, so I start to hit them with a hatchet. but when I hit the guy, his chest swings backward, like he dodges my hits.. All 3 of 'm. so I checked their gear, which was all most the same.. But now the most awesome part, the 3 guys had the same name. so it was the same guy..?

I've frapsed the last part, but I don't know how to upload..

another remarkable fact. Every important building in the server had wire fencing and tank traps in front of the doors.. Very strange..

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you can upload your video on youtube.com then put the link in your post.

and i am wondering about the server you where on. Not because something fishy was going on. But because I had the same thing happen to me and 2 friends.. only we never saw the sniper. Except when we did and killed him and then we got shot by him within 10 seconds after killing him. Without him being visible.. well after looking back it probably was not the same guy.

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I saw something similar at Skalysty island. 12 Ghillie guys standing there. Same equipment all of them. Same name, just like dead but standing.

One day it happened to me something like that. After losing connection to server, I rejoin, and there is a clon of myself standing just where i spawn. I use the old white bearded guy, but the clone was younger, the standard face of DayZ. All equipment was there, and I couldn´t use "hide body" command.

Maybe it was me from the past, warning me of something...

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so it's just a glitch? nothing to be worried about?

then I have a question, is the SVD camo a bolt-action sniper rifle? because I remember him spraying a clip on my friend. let's say 5-10 bullets in about 2 sec..

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so it's just a glitch? nothing to be worried about?

then I have a question, is the SVD camo a bolt-action sniper rifle? because I remember him spraying a clip on my friend. let's say 5-10 bullets in about 2 sec..

so it's just a glitch? nothing to be worried about?

then I have a question, is the SVD camo a bolt-action sniper rifle? because I remember him spraying a clip on my friend. let's say 5-10 bullets in about 2 sec..

svd camo is basically a dragunov.

dragunov is a single fire weapon, so yes you can spray with it but not very effectively

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